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November 18, 2013 (Regular Meeting) Page 1833 <br />The Board received the Register of Deeds Third Quarter Records Report <br />as part of the Agenda. No action was required of the Board. <br />(I -9) BOC - Receive Updates from Commission Members Who Serve as Liaisons to <br />Municipalities or on Various Board /Committees <br />None. <br />(I -10) Request for Applications for County Boards/Committees <br />Applications are being accepted for the following County <br />Boards /Committees: <br />• Active living and Parks Commission - 2 Positions with Expiring Terms <br />• Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 5 Vacancies <br />• Agricultural Advisory Board - 3 Position with Expiring Terms <br />• Cabarrus County Senior Centers Advisory Council - 5 Positions with <br />Expiring Terms <br />• Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions Community Oversight Board <br />- 1 Vacant Position <br />• Concord Planning and Zoning Commission (ETJ) - 1 Vacant Position <br />• Council for a Sustainable Local Economy - 10 Positions with Expiring <br />Terms <br />• Food Policy Council - 7 Positions with Expiring Terms and 4 <br />Positions with Expired Terms <br />• Home and Community Care Block Grant Committee - 1 Vacant Position <br />and 2 Positions with Expiring Terris <br />• Human Services Advisory Board - 5 Vacant Positions <br />• Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority - 1 <br />Expired Term and 2 Vacant Positions <br />+ Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 3 Vacant Positions <br />• Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee - 6 Vacant Positions <br />• Transportation Advisory Board - 1 Position with Expired Term and 4 <br />Vacant Positions <br />• Youth Council - 7 Positions with Expired Terms and 2 Vacant <br />Positions <br />Chairman Poole reviewed the aforementioned list and urged citizens to <br />consider participating on a Board or Committee. <br />(J) GENERAL COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS <br />Commissioner Morris announced he attended the Cabarrus Vocational <br />Opportunities open house and also provided an update on his recent trip to <br />China. <br />Commissioner Oesterreich urged viewers without a cable box to tune into <br />Channel 97.2 to view Channel 22 programming. <br />Chairman Poole made an announcement regarding the Wendy Gainey Memorial <br />Christmas Tree Program. <br />(K) WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT OF CABARRUS COUNTY <br />None. <br />(L) CLOSED SESSION <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Measmer, seconded by Commissioner Morris <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to ge into closed session to discuss <br />personnel matters as authorized by NCGS 143- 318.11(a)(6). <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Measmer, seconded by Commissioner Morris <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to come out of closed session <br />RETURN TO OPEN SESSION <br />Commissioner Morris MOVED to approve an increase of 1.3 percent to the <br />salary of County Manager Mike Downs. Commissioner Burrage seconded the <br />motion. The MOTION passed with Chairman Poole and Commissioners Morris and <br />Burrage voting for and Vice Chairman Measmer and Commissioner Cesterreich <br />voting against. <br />