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December 3, 2012 (Recessed Meeting) Page 1321 <br />Cash: Yes. <br />White: And did you notify Liberty Mutual about Mr. Small's suspension from <br />the State Bar? <br />Cash: I did not. <br />White: Did Mr. Small ask that you disclose that to Liberty Mutual? <br />Cash: Actually I had a girl in our office takes care of the bonds, so she - <br />I didn't deal directly with it. But she, no, he did not mention it. We <br />didn't get that far and that wasn't an issue that came up. <br />White: Okay. And do you know if your assistant in the office notified <br />Liberty Mutual of that issue or excuse me, of the fact that there was, or is <br />a suspension? <br />Cash: No. <br />White: Okay. Thank you. <br />Measmer: She did not or you're not aware she did? <br />Cash: Both. I'm not aware that she did, but I assume that she didn't. <br />Measmer: Okay. <br />Poole: Additional Questions? Or Comments? <br />Burrage: Is the bond legal? <br />Koch: Are you speaking of the Liberty Mutual Bond? <br />Burrage: Yes (inaudible). <br />Koch: The reason that I asked the chair to ask Mr. Small to let us take a <br />look at it again, when I was reviewing it a little while ago there was what <br />appeared to me to be an irregularity with the power of attorney on.that bond. <br />It was different from those that I'd seen in the past and I say that using <br />the word "irregularity" sort of in a lay- context. That's why I wanted Mr. <br />Harris to look at it, because he's our resident insurance expert at the <br />county and certainly knows quite a bit about that. There's an <br />acknowledgement on that power of attorney that predates the day that it <br />appears the power of attorney appointment was made. I don't know the exact <br />dates, I don't have a copy of it in front of me, but it was a 2011 date. <br />Ordinarily, the power of attorney - well let me back up and say, there's <br />another acknowledgement at the bottom of it that is subsequent to what would <br />appear to be the date of the appointment of the power of attorney. Mr. <br />Cash's name is typed in as the attorney -in -fact on that power of attorney. I <br />had never seen one quite like that before, it certainly is different from - <br />from the ones - certainly looks different from the one on the previous bond <br />that Mr. Small had tendered, which appeared to me to, on that part, to be <br />regular in form. Now, having said that Commissioner Burrage, in terms of the <br />technical defects that were noted in the CNA /Western bond, namely that that <br />one hadn't been signed, that the date for the end of term was two days short <br />- some of those, what I consider to be "technical matters ", it appeared that <br />that bond complied with those. The larger, or other issue, if you will, is <br />the extent to which the bond is satisfactory with reference to the scope of <br />it, as we discussed in our last meeting concerning this issue. Namely, <br />whether it would comply with the requirements of GS 58 -72 -60 such that it <br />would lessen, if not eliminate, any potential personal exposure for the <br />members of the commission. And if you want, I can re -read the language of <br />that statute. <br />Burrage: You can probably change it before you get to read it. <br />Koch: Well, Commissioner, this is the - <br />White: It hasn't changed over a hundred years. <br />Koch: This is one of those ones that has been around since, I think, the <br />inception of the requirements for bond in this case. And I'll read the <br />pertinent part "Every commissioner who approves the bond... which he knows to <br />be, or which by reasonable diligence he could have discovered to have been, <br />insufficient in the penal sum, or in the security thereof, shall be liable as <br />if he were the surety thereto..." And certainly, on the face of the bond, it's <br />in the amount of 50,000 which is what this commission has set to be the <br />required bond for this office. So it gets back to this matter of whether it <br />is "sufficient in the security thereof ". And that, of course, goes back to <br />the communication I had had with Professor Szypszak at the School of <br />Government as to the scope of inquiry to - in order for this board to be <br />satisfied that it is "sufficient in the security thereof ". I hope that <br />answers your question. <br />Small: I guess just to clarify, Mr. Koch, are you saying that this is <br />superfluous information? That's my reading of this power of attorney form. <br />I'm not sure what answer you're giving to Commissioner Burrage. <br />Koch: With respect to the power of attorney? <br />Small: Yeah. Yes, sir. <br />Koch: I don't have it in front of me, but I just noted there was a date on <br />it that preceded, what would appear to be the appointment of Mr. Cash as <br />attorney -in -fact. Most - I don't know that I can say every - bond that I've <br />ever looked at cause its been over, periodically over a long period of time, <br />but every one that appeared to me to be standard in form had the appointment <br />of the attorney -in -fact and the acknowledgement of that would come <br />contemporaneously with the document that was being submitted. You wouldn't <br />have a date that was a year or so in advance that would be on that <br />appointment of the attorney -in -fact. I say, it just appeared to me to be <br />