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BC 2011 10 17 Regular Meeting
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Meeting Minutes
BC 2011 10 17 Regular Meeting
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Meeting Minutes
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October 17, 2011 (Regular Meeting) Page 665 <br />(when applicable); and Year Entered. In addition, a CLaRIS record shall be <br />created and maintained for each parcel. <br />Definition of a Parcel <br />For the purposes of the Land Records Department, a parcel is a single tract <br />of land as described in a deed or plat and is physically one unit of land. <br />If more than one tract of land is on a particular deed or plat, a separate <br />parcel shall be created for each tract described. l' If a parcel of land is <br />described as one, but another parcel is split from it causing it to be non- <br />contiguous, then each part of the parcel that is non - contiguous shall become <br />its own parcel unless the split is right -of -way for a public road. In other <br />words, a single parcel can be divided by a road but cannot be divided by <br />another parcel. <br />Parcels that Cross the County Line <br />Properties that cross the county line shall be mapped to the county line, <br />listing and assessing the acreage that is within Cabarrus County limits for <br />all counties except Mecklenburg Per the county line agreement with <br />Mecklenburg County, only parcels that have at least one acre on each side of <br />the county line shall be divided by the county line. For parcels that do not <br />have one acre on each side of the county line, the county that has the <br />majority of the parcel shall assess it unless the road frontage is only in <br />the minority county, then the minority county shall assess it. For these <br />parcels that fall into this category, if Mecklenburg County is addressing the <br />property, Cabarrus County shall map the portion within the county limits, and <br />assign a PIN number, Real ID (old parcel number) , and calculate the acreage <br />of the portion within the county. These shall be coded as "assessed in <br />Mecklenburg County" so that we have basic records of the property for <br />internal and inventory purposes. For parcels that Cabarrus County will <br />assess, the entire parcel shall be mapped in accordance with Cabarrus County <br />policies and standards. <br />Acreage <br />All parcel records in the Land Records Department shall reflect the acreage <br />cited in the original deed or plat unless there is no acreage cited in the <br />original document. If there is no acreage cited, then a "0" shall be put in <br />the "Deeded Acreage" field of GIS and the calculated acreage followed by <br />"(CAL)" be put as the acreage annotation in GIS and in the acreage field of <br />CLaRIS. In the case of a property split, the parent tract shall reflect the <br />original deeded acreage less the deeded acreage of the child parcel or <br />parcels. If the child parcel does not cite acreage, then the calculated <br />acreage shall be subtracted from the parent parcel's deeded acreage and the <br />calculated acreage designation of "(CAL)" shall be added to the parent and <br />child parcel(s). If the original document contains two cited acreages, one <br />for the entire parcel and one that indicates the acreage in a right -of -way, <br />the entire parcel acreage shall be used and the amount in the right -of -way <br />shall be cited in CLaRIS in the acreage field following the entire tract <br />acreage. For example, if the deed cites "...containing 1.75 acres, less 0.25 <br />acres in the right -of -way for Church Street, leaving a net of 1.50 acres... ", <br />then the acreage in CLaRIS and on paperwork sent to the County Assessor <br />should show "1.75 AC (0.25 AC in ROW) ". If the calculated acreage is <br />greater than shown in the scale below taken from the North Carolina Technical <br />Specifications for Base and Cadastral Maps, or there is an obvious error in <br />the deeded acreage, calculated acreage may be used. <br />Parcel Acreage Percent of Divergence <br />1.01 - 5.00 100 <br />5.01 - 20.00 8% <br />20.01 - 50.00 60 <br />50.01 & Greater 4% <br />Citina Ownershi <br />' If multiple tracts of land are described in a single deed or plat and the primary structure is located on more than one tract, <br />all tracts in which the primary structure is situated upon may be combined into a single parcel unless otherwise specified in the <br />deed or plat. <br />If multiple tracts of land are described in a single deed the tracts may be combined into one parcel if; there is not more than <br />one addressed structure on the parcel and the property owner requests it and the deed includes language stating that the multiple <br />tracts should be treated as one tract. Each addressed structure must have its own parcel in compliance with the County's <br />subdivision ordinance. <br />A parcel that is mapped prior to the effective date of this document and that is already being assessed in its entirety by one <br />county shall be grandfathered and can continue to be assessed as one parcel until: the county line is surveyed and reconciled <br />with the adjacent county; a new transaction changes the property, the property owner requests it to be split by the county line, <br />or a county department requests it to be split by the county line to resolve a problem. <br />In dividing the parcel by the county line, Land Records staff shall consult with the other county involved to ensure that there <br />are no overlaps or gaps in the assessment of the parcel and that the calculated acreage on each side of the line adds up to equal <br />the deeded acreage of the original parcel. <br />
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