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May 17, 2004 Page 452 <br /> <br />18. <br /> <br />"Personal Wireless Services" or "PWS" or "Personal <br />Telecommunications Service" or "PCS" shall have the same meaning as <br />defined and used in the 1996 Telecommunications Act. <br /> <br />19. <br /> <br />"Telecommunication Site" See <br />Telecommunications Facilities. <br /> <br />definition for Wireless <br /> <br />20. <br /> <br />"Stealth" or "Stealth Technology" means minimize adverse aesthetic <br />and visual impacts on the land, property, buildings, and other <br />facilities adjacent to, surrounding, and in generally the same area <br />as the requested location of such Wireless Telecommunications <br />Facilities, which shall mean using the least visually and physically <br />intrusive facility that is not technologically or commercially <br />impracticable under the facts and circumstances,. <br /> <br />21. "State" means the State of North Carolina. <br /> <br />22. <br /> <br />23. <br /> <br />"Telecommunications" means the transmission and/or reception of <br />audio, video, data, and other information by wire, radio frequency, <br />light, and other electronic or electromagnetic systems. <br /> <br />"Telecommunications Structure" means a structure used in the <br />provision of services described in the definition of ~Wireless <br />Telecommunications Facilities' <br /> <br />24. <br /> <br />"Temporary" means, temporary in relation to all aspects and <br />components of this Ordinance, something intended to, or that does, <br />exist for fewer than ninety (90) days. <br /> <br />25. <br /> <br />"Wireless Telecommunications Facilities" means and includes a <br />"Telecommunications Tower" and "Tower" and "Telecommunications Site" <br />and "Personal Wireless Facility" means a structure, facility or <br />location designed, or intended to be used as, or used to support, <br />Antennas or other transmitting or receiving devices. This includes <br />without limit, Towers of all types and kinds and structures that <br />employ camouflage technology, including, but not limited to <br />structures such as a multi-story building, church steeple, silo, <br />water tower, sign or other structures that can be used to mitigate <br />the visual impact of an Antenna or the functional equivalent of <br />such, including all related facilities such as cabling, equipment <br />shelters and other structures associated with the site. It is a <br />structure and facility intended for transmitting and/or receiving <br />radio, television, cellular, paging, 911, personal <br />Telecommunications services, commercial satellite services, <br />microwave services and services not licensed by the FCC, but not <br />expressly exempt from the County's siting, building and permitting <br />authority, excluding those used exclusively for the County's fire, <br />police or exclusively for private, non-commercial radio and <br />television reception and private citizen's bands, amateur radio and <br />other similar non-commercial Telecommunications where the height of <br />the facility is below the height limits set forth in this ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 5. Overall Policy and Desired Goals for Conditional Use Permits for <br />Wireless Telecommunications Facilities. <br />In order to ensure that the placement, construction, and modification of <br />Wireless Telecommunications Facilities protects the County's health, safety, <br />public welfare, environmental features, the nature and character of the <br />community and neighborhood and other aspects of the quality of life <br />specifically listed elsewhere in this Ordinance, the County hereby adopts an <br />overall policy with respect to a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless <br />Telecommunications Facilities for the express purpose of achieving the <br />following goals: <br /> <br /> 1) Implementing an Application process for person(s) seeking a <br /> Conditional Use Permit for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities; <br />2) Establishing a policy for examining an application for and issuing a <br /> Conditional Use Permit for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities <br /> that is both fair and consistent. <br />3) Promoting and encouraging, wherever possible, the sharing and/or co- <br /> location of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities among service <br /> providers; <br />4) Promoting and encouraging, wherever possible, the placement, height <br /> and quantity of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in such a <br /> manner, including but not limited to the use of stealth technology, <br /> to minimize adverse aesthetic and visual impacts on the land, <br /> property, buildings, and other facilities adjacent to, surrounding, <br /> <br /> <br />