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May 17, 2004 Page 461 <br /> <br />D) If the holder of a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless <br />Telecommunications Facilities does not submit a request for <br />recertification of such Conditional Use Permit within the timeframe <br /> noted in subsection (A) of this section, then such Conditional Use <br /> Permit and any authorizations granted thereunder shall cease to exist <br /> on the date of the fifth anniversary of the original granting of the <br /> Conditional Use Permit, or subsequent five year anniversaries, unless <br /> the holder of the Conditional Use Permit adequately demonstrates that <br /> extenuating circumstances prevented a timely recertification request. <br /> If the County agrees that there were legitimately extenuating <br /> circumstances, then the holder of the Conditional Use Permit may submit <br /> a late recertification request or Application for a new Conditional Use <br /> Permit. <br /> <br />Section 19. Extent and Parameters of Conditional Use Permit for Wireless <br />Telecommunications Facilities. <br />The extent and parameters of a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless <br />Telecommunications Facilities shall be as follows: <br /> <br />1) Such Conditional Use Permit shall be non-exclusive; <br />2) Such Conditional Use Permit shall not be assigned, transferred or <br /> conveyed without the express prior written notification to the <br /> County. <br />3) Such Conditional Use Permit may, following a hearing upon due prior <br /> notice to the Applicant, be revoked, canceled, or terminated for a <br /> violation of the conditions and provisions of the Conditional Use <br /> Permit, or for a material violation of this Ordinance after prior <br /> written notice to the holder of the Conditional Use Permit. <br /> <br />Section 20. Application Fee. <br /> A) At the time that a person submits an Application for a Conditional Use <br /> Permit for a new Tower, such person shall pay a non-refundable <br /> application fee of $5,000.00 to the County. If the Application is for <br /> a Conditional Use Permit for co-locating on an existing Tower or other <br /> suitable structure, where no increase in height of the Tower or <br /> structure is required, the non-refundable fee shall be $2,500.00. <br /> <br />B) No Application fee is required in order to re-certify a Conditional Use <br /> Permit for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities. unless there has <br /> been a visible modification of the Wireless Telecommunications Facility <br /> since the date of the issuance of the existing Conditional Use Permit <br /> for which the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit have not <br /> previously been modified. In the case of any modification, the fees <br /> provided in Subsection (A) shall apply. <br /> <br />Section 21. Performance Security. <br />The Applicant and the owner of record of any proposed Wireless <br />Telecommunications Facilities property site shall, at its cost and expense, <br />be jointly required to execute and file with the County a bond, or other form <br />of security acceptable to the County as to type of security and the form and <br />manner of execution, in an amount of at least $75,000.00 for a tower <br />facility and $25,000 for a co-location on an existing tower or other <br />structure and with such sureties as are deemed sufficient by the County to <br />assure the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance <br />and conditions of any Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to this <br />Ordinance. The full amount of the bond or security shall remain in full force <br />and effect throughout the term of the Conditional Use Permit and/or until any <br />necessary site restoration is completed to restore the site to a condition <br />comparable to that, which existed prior to the issuance of the original <br />Conditional Use Permit. <br /> <br />Section 22. Reservation of Authority to Inspect Wireless Telecommunications <br />Facilities. <br />In order to verify that the holder of a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless <br />Telecommunications Facilities and any and all lessees, renters, and/or <br />licensees of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, place and construct such <br />facilities, including Towers and Antennas, in accordance with all applicable <br />technical, safety, fire, building, and zoning codes, Laws, ordinances and <br />regulations and other applicable requirements, the County may inspect all <br />facets of said permit holder's, renter's, lessee's or licensee's placement, <br />construction, modification and maintenance of such facilities, including, but <br />not limited to, Towers, Antennas and buildings or other structures <br />constructed or located on the permitted site. <br /> <br /> <br />