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May 17, 2004 Page 470 <br /> <br /> Section 3. Compensation. The members of the Board of Equalization and <br />Review shall receive for their services such compensation as may be fixed by <br />the board of county commissioners. <br /> <br /> Section 4. Oath. Before entering upon their duties, each member of <br />the Board of Equalization and Review shall take and subscribe to the <br />following oath and file the same with the clerk of the board of county <br />commissioners: <br /> "I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I <br />will support and maintain the Constitution and the laws of the United States, <br />and the Constitution and the laws of North Carolina not inconsistent <br />therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as a <br />member of the Board of Equalization and Review of Cabarrus County, North <br />Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as a member of the Board of <br />Equalization and Review to be influenced by personal or political friendships <br />or obligations, so help me God." <br /> <br /> Section 5. Clerk and Minutes. The County Assessor or a deputy <br />designated by him shall act as clerk to the Board of Equalization and Review, <br />shall be present at all meetings, shall maintain accurate minutes of the <br />actions of the board, and shall give to the board such information as he or <br />she may have or can obtain with respect to the listing and valuation of <br />taxable property in the county. <br /> <br /> Section 6. Time of Meeting. Each year the Board of Equalization and <br />Review shall hold its first meeting not earlier than the first Monday in <br />April and not later than the first Monday in May. The board shall complete <br />its duties by the advertised adjournment date except to hear and determine <br />requests which are made under the provisions of subdivision G.S. 105- <br />322(g) (2), G.S. 105-325, G.S. 105-312, G.S. 105-282.1(a) (al) and G.S. 150- <br />330.2(b) or any amendments thereto, when such requests are made within the <br />time prescribed by law. From the time of its first meeting until its <br />adjournment, the board shall meet at such times as it deems reasonably <br />necessary to perform its statutory duties and to receive requests and hear <br />the appeals of taxpayers under the provisions of the above described general <br />statutes. <br /> <br /> Section 7. Notice of Meetings and Adjournments. A notice of the date, <br />hours, place, and purpose of the first meeting the Board of Equalization and <br />Review shall be published at least three times in some newspaper having <br />general circulation in the county, the first publication to be at least 10 <br />days prior to the first meeting. The notice shall also state that the board <br />will meet at such dates and places as necessary to fulfill its duties, and <br />specify the date at which it will adjourn except to perform its duties as <br />hereafter provided. <br /> <br /> Section 8 Powers and Duties. The Board of Equalization and Review <br />shall possess the powers and duties enumerated in G.S. 105-322 <br />(g) (1) (2) (3) (4) and (5), as amended from time to time. <br /> <br /> Section 9. Power to Compromise. The Board of Equalization and Review <br />may meet year round and shall have the power to compromise, settle, or adjust <br />the county's claim for taxes arising under G.S. 105-312, and amendments <br />thereto; and the board shall have like authority, by appropriate resolution <br />of any municipality within the county, to compromise, settle, or adjust the <br />appropriate municipality's claim for taxes arising under G.S. 105-312, and <br />amendments thereto. <br /> <br /> Section 10. Powers following Adjournment. Following the formal <br />adjournment of the board each year, the board shall continue to function for <br />the purpose of exercising the authority granted to the board of county <br />commissioners under G.S. 105-325, and amendments thereto. <br /> <br /> Section 11. Appeals of Motor Vehicles. The board may meet year round <br />as required to exercise its authority under G.S. 105-330.2 (b) to hear <br />appeals of classified motor vehicles relating to appraisals, situs or <br />taxability. <br /> <br /> Section 12. Accept Late Applications for Exemption or Exclusion. The <br />board may meet year round as required to exercise its authority under G.S. <br />105-282.1 (a) (al) to accept an application for exemption that was filed after <br />the statutory deadline. <br /> <br /> Section 13. Quorum. A majority of the board members shall constitute <br />a quorum for the purpose of transacting any business, except as hereafter <br />provided. <br /> <br /> <br />