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July 26, 2004 Page 581 <br /> <br />Personnel Ordinance, the Pay Plan, to read as follows: "Permanent increases <br />to an employee's salary are limited to a 10 percent maximum during a fiscal <br />year, except when entering a higher grade at the entry level." <br /> <br /> As a courtesy, the Board asked to be notified each time this type of <br />situation occurs. <br /> <br />(H) APPOINTMENTS TO BOA/~DS AND COMMITTEES <br />(H-l) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council <br /> <br /> The Board received a letter from Roxann Vaneekhoven, District Attorney <br />and member of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) Nominating <br />Committee, requesting the appointment of Artie Peterson to the vacant non- <br />profit position on the JCPC. The Board had previously appointed Glenda <br />Parker Smith to that position, but she could not serve. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Acting Chairman Carruth, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carpenter and unanimously carried, the Board appointed Artie J. Peterson, <br />Jr., to fill the vacant non-profit position on the Juvenile Crime Prevention <br />Council (JCPC). Mr. Peterson's term of appointment will end June 30, 2005. <br /> <br />(H-2) Adult Care Home Conununit~ Advisor}, Conunittee <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Acting Chairman Carruth, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carpenter and unanimously carried, the Board appointed Denise Spreen and <br />Joanne Yurchison to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee for an <br />initial one-year term ending July 31, 2005. <br /> <br /> The Board also received notification that Darcie Bergandine had <br />resigned from the committee. <br /> <br />Vacant Positions on Boards and Committees <br /> <br /> Acting chairman Carruth announced that vacancies currently exist on the <br />Cabarrus County Planning and Zoning Commission (Township 3/4), Region F Aging <br />Advisory Committee and the Piedmont Area Mental Health, Mental Retardation <br />and Substance Abuse Authority. <br /> <br />(I) REPORTS <br /> <br />(I-1) Vacant Position Report <br /> <br /> The Vacant Position Status Report, submitted by Don Cummings, Human <br />Resources Director, will be placed in the Board's mail boxes by the 5th of <br />each month in an effort to provide the Board with more accurate information <br />regarding vacant positions. <br /> <br />(j) ~-~NERAL COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS <br /> <br /> Commissioner Carpenter thanked all persons who voted on July 20 and <br />congratulated the successful candidates in the County Commission primary <br />election. Acting Chairman Carruth expressed concern that only 11 percent of <br />registered voters voted in the primary and hoped citizens would rediscover <br />the importance of exercising their right to vote. <br /> <br />(K) WATER & SEWER DISTRICT OF CABARRUS COUNTY - REGULAR MEETING <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Acting Chairman Carruth, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carpenter and unanimously carried, the Board recessed the meeting of the <br />Board of Commissioners at 8:03 p.m. until the conclusion of the meeting of <br />the Water and Sewer District. <br /> <br /> Acting Chairman Carruth reconvened the meeting of the Board of <br />Commissioners at 8:05 p.m. <br /> <br />(L) CLOSED SESSION <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Acting Chairman Carruth, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carpenter unanimously carried, the Board moved to go into Closed Session to <br />consult with the County Attorney to preserve the attorney-client privilege as <br /> <br /> <br />