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September 15, 2003 Page 255 <br /> <br />(F-6) U~date on the Animal Control and Preservation Task Force <br /> <br /> Commissioner Carpenter reported that the Animal Control and Preservation <br />Task Force met on September 17 and elected Sheriff Brad Riley and herself as Co- <br />Chairs. Eight subcommittees were set up to address the following issues: <br />Licensing and Micro-chipping; Review of Animal Control Ordinances, Animal Shelter <br />Procedures and Euthanasia Procedures; Spay-Neuter Clinics; Rabies and Other <br />Health Concerns; Independent Rescue Groups, Availability of Grants; Education; <br />and Advisory Board/Volunteers. The next meeting of the Task Force will be held <br />on October 15. Plans are to make a report to the Board in February 2004. <br /> <br />(G) APPOINT~fENTS TO BOARDS ~ COM/{ITTEES <br /> <br />(G-1) Librar~ Board of Trustees <br /> <br /> The terms of appointment for Stephen M. Morris (Kannapolis) and Marjel M. <br />Jones (Mt. Pleasant) ended July 31, 2003. Mr. Morris has served two three-year <br />terms and Ms. Jones is completing her first term of appointment. The Library <br />Board of Trustees has recommended the reappointment of Ms. Jones and the <br />appointment of Karan Whitley to fill the Kannapolis position. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Vice Chairman Suggs and <br />unanimously carried, the Board reappointed Marjel Jones (Mt. Pleasant) and <br />appointed Karan Whitley (Kannapolis) to the Library Board of Trustees for terms <br />of three years ending July 31, 2006. <br /> <br />(G-2) County Plannin~ and Zoning Commission (Alternate) <br /> <br /> The Board received the updated listing of applicants interested in being <br />considered for appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Chairman Freeman and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Mark Smith to complete an unexpired term <br />as alternate member of the County Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Smith's <br />term of appointment will end on January 31, 2005. <br /> <br />(H) INFORMAL PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> <br /> Chairman Freeman opened the meeting for Informal Public Comments at 8:38 <br />p.m. <br /> <br /> Mr. Thomas Hill, Chairman of the local Libertarian Party, distributed a <br />Resolution recognizing September 14 - 20, 2003 as Constitution Week along with <br />pocket copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the <br />United States. He asked the Board to adopt the Resolution. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carruth, seconded by Commissioner Privette <br />and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following Resolution. <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2003-30 <br />Resolution Recognizing U.S. Constitution Day <br /> and U.S. Constitution Week <br /> <br />WHEREAS, as the result of a revolutionary war that was fought to <br />free the citizens of the United States of America from a tyrannical <br />and oppressive government; and, the attempt of these citizens to <br />form a new government that respected the people as the sole source <br />of all governmental power, the need for a written document to limit <br />the strength of government and secure, to the people, the right to <br />govern themselves was recognized, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the U.S. Constitution was adopted in a Constitutional <br />Convention on the 17th of September, 1787, and thus became the <br />supreme law of the United States of America in order to secure and <br />guarantee the rights of all free citizens of the United States of <br />America, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the U.S. Constitution stands today as the oldest written <br />document, of its kind, in the history of all mankind, as a result of <br />the efforts of, and at great cost to, the patriots that founded our <br />great nation, the United States of America, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, September 17~n is designated as U.S. Constitution Day, and <br />that September 14 through September 20 is designated as U.S. <br />Constitution Week throughout the United States of America. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the honorably elected <br />Commissioners of Cabarrus County hereby declare the official <br />observance of September 17tn as U.S. Constitution Day, and September <br /> <br /> <br />