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234 <br /> <br />LETTER OF CREDIT/PERFORMANCE BOND REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />When building permits are requested prior to completion of all <br />improvements in a development, the following conditions shall apply: <br /> <br />1. Detailed estimates of all required improvements shall be <br />submitted. These estimates shall be signed by licensed contractors <br />when applicable. <br /> <br />2. These estimates shall be reviewed and approved by a consulting <br />engineer chosen by the County. This requirement is subject to <br />payment of a $75.00 fee for the review. <br /> <br />3. A letter of credit or performance bond by a lender of surety <br />acceptable to the County shall be made out to Cabarrus County in the <br />amount of 125% of the costs determined in step 2 above. <br /> <br />4. The final map of the subdivision shall be approved and recorded. <br /> <br />Prior to the reduction or release of the 125% amount required in step <br />3 above for completion of improvement(s), the following information <br />must be provided when applicable: <br /> <br />1. Proof satisfactory to the County that the applicable <br />improvement(s) has been made to the required specifications. <br /> <br />2. Proof satisfactory to the County that payment in full has been <br />made to the applicable contractor and/or agency for the <br />improvement(s). <br /> <br />Upon proof of completion satisfactory to the County, of the required <br />improvement(s), the amount that had been required for that <br />improvement(s) may be released from the total amount required. The <br />total amount of the letter or credit or bond for required <br />improvements may be released when all improvements are complete, and <br />the above information has been provided. <br /> <br />Adopted this the 21st day of January, 1997 by the Cabarrus County <br />Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br /> /s/ Sue B. Casper <br /> Sue B. Casper, Chairman <br />ATTEST: Board of Commissioners <br />/s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br />Frankie F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board <br /> <br />Request to Close a Section of Woodsdale Drive and to Close Country Side Drive <br /> <br />Between Woodsdale Drive and Twinkle Drive - Public Hearing - 7:00 P.M. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hartsell presented a copy of a map dated April 1956 and recorded in the <br />Register of Deeds Office showing the location of Woodsdale Drive and Country Side <br />Drive. He explained the process for closing a road. <br /> <br /> Chair Casper opened the public hearing at 8:06 P.M. and asked if anyone <br />were present who wished to address the Board regarding the proposed road <br />closings. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lewis Brownlow of 5234 Shoreview Drive stated he supported the petition <br />in order to raise the basic level of awareness of problems that have been handed <br />down through the years. He addressed the issue of poor land use planning, stating <br />the subdivision plat created over 300 lots or approximately 11 lots per acre for <br />property in the Rimer area. According to Mr. Brownlow, the roadways of record <br />were never used as roadways and are substandard to the current Subdivision <br />Ordinance. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ric Starnes of 5455 Rimer Road questioned what is done physically when <br />a road is closed. Mr. Hartsell advised that the property to the center line goes <br />to adjacent property owners. <br /> <br /> <br />