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228 <br /> <br />an appointment for the position. Further, the Board set the terms of appointment <br />at one year for both the reappointed members and new members in order for the <br />Parks and Recreation Commission to have the opportunity for reorganization during <br />the upcoming year. <br /> <br />Appointments Planning and Zoning Commission <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of' Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter and <br />unanimously carried, the Board made the following reappointments/appointments to <br />the Planning and Zoning Commission: <br /> <br />REAPPOINTED: <br />Mr. Dewey Moose - Township 2 - Term ending January 31, 2000 <br />Mr. Edward Moose Alternate - Term ending January 31, 2000 <br /> <br />APPOINTED: <br />Mr. Thomas Dwiggins At-Large - To complete unexpired term ending January <br /> 31, 1999 (Vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Ronald Davis) <br />Mr. Clyde M. Drye - Townships 5/6/7 - Term ending January 31, 2000 <br />Mr. Ric Starnes At-large - Term ending January 31, 2000 <br />Mr. Bill Babb - Alternate - To complete unexpired term ending January 31, <br /> 1998 (Alternate position previously held by Mr. Clyde M. Drye) <br /> <br />Appointments - Department of A~in~ Advisory Board <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chair Casper, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter and <br />unanimously carried, the Board reappointed Ms. Jean Brownlow, Mr. Gene Morris and <br />Ms. Alleane S. Reeves and appointed Mr. Tom Kincaid and Mr. A1 Berkeyheiser to <br />the Department of Aging Advisory Board as recommended by the Advisory Board. Ail <br />appointments were for terms of three years ending December 31, 1999. <br /> <br />Appointment - Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carpenter, seconded by Chair Casper and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Ms. Gwendolyn P. Smith to the Adult Care <br />Home Community Advisory Committee for a term of one year ending January 31, 1998. <br /> <br /> Chair Casper stressed the importance of the advisory committee and <br />encouraged persons to apply for appointment. Commissioner Carpenter asked that <br />the remaining three appointments be listed on the agenda for the next meeting. <br /> <br />Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment [Petition 96-06(T~] - Public Hearing - 7:00 P.M. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jonathan Marshall, Planning Services Director, introduced Petition 96- <br />06(T). He explained that the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment was a <br />result of staff's review of the Office/Limited Commercial (OF/LC) and General <br />Commercial (GC) zones in terms of the number of multi-family units permitted and <br />the preservation of commercial properties for non-residential uses. <br /> <br /> Mr. Peter Tatge, Senior Planner, presented Petition 96-06(T). He reported <br />the item had been properly advertised in local newspapers and approximately 500 <br />letters were mailed to all commercial property owners in the county. Also, he <br />stated the Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended unanimous approval of <br />the amendment on December 19, 1996. Mr. Tatge listed for the record the <br />following technical corrections: (1) Correct a sentence on Page 3, Vesting, to <br />read: "Ail requests shall be subject to the procedures outlined in Chapter 13, <br />Part VI, Section 13-20 of the Zoning Ordinance;" and (2) The item had been <br />incorrectly advertised as Petition 96-05(T) instead of Petition 96-06(T). Also, <br />Mr. Tatge reviewed the specifics of the proposed amendment, including the removal <br />of multi-family residential and family/group care facilities as uses within the <br />General Commercial district and limiting the maximum allowed density for multi- <br />family to six dwelling units per acre in the Office/Limited Commercial district. <br />Finally, Mr. Tatge discussed items relating to performance standards, density <br />bonus, mixed use development, non-conforming uses and vesting. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Niblock, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board changed the vesting period as outlined in the <br />proposed zoning text amendment [Petition 96-06(T)] from 30 days to 60 days. <br /> <br /> <br />