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287 <br /> <br /> There was general discussion regarding the proposed legislation. Board <br />members generally agreed that the sales tax should be given top priority although <br />the Board would also like to see the approval of the one percent land transfer <br />tax. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to send a message to the legislative <br />delegation that the Board would like to see approval of both the one cent sales <br />tax and the one percent land transfer tax; but if the delegation sees fit to <br />split these issues to have a better chance at either one of them, they have the <br />Board's support in doing so and the Board appreciates anything the local <br />delegation can get approved. <br /> <br /> There was general consensus for Chairman Casper to send a letter to the <br />legislative delegation outlining the Board's position concerning the proposed <br />legislation. <br /> <br />Joint Meetin~ with the Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper turned the meeting over to Mr. Lewis. There was general <br />discussion by members of the Board of Commissioners and the Parks and Recreation <br />Commission regarding the following issues. <br /> <br />Role of the Parks and Recreation Commission - There was general agreement <br />that the Parks and Recreation Commission serves as advisory board to the <br />Commissioners and the Parks and Recreation Department. <br />Matching Grant Incentive Program - It was generally agreed that (1) the <br />purpose of the program is to leverage private funds with public funds to <br />provide recreational opportunities for a community; (2) funds should be <br />used to match money raised by small community groups and not governmental <br />entities; and (3) the County and/or school systems should be responsible <br />for maintaining facilities that are built on County and/or school <br />property. Mr. Clifton and staff will be revising program guidelines and <br />will address the issue of facility maintenance. <br />Passive versus active programs There was general consensus that the <br />County's focus should be more on passive recreation, such as building <br />ballfields, with the cities/athletic groups responsible for athletics. <br />School/Park Concept - The Board has stated its support of the school/park <br />concept; however, no formal agreements have been signed. Mr. Clifton is <br />working with Dr. Harold Winkler, County Schools Superintendent, to resolve <br />issues involving funding and maintenance responsibilities. <br />District Park versus School/Park Development It was generally agreed <br />that school/parks should be priority. However, two possible areas for the <br />development of district parks include the County landfill site and <br />property in the vicinity of the Coddle Creek Reservoir. <br />Consolidation Efforts - Mr. Clifton and staff are pursuing the possibility <br />of the County and the City of Concord consolidating park operations. <br />Reorganization of Parks and Recreation Commission This issue will be <br />pursued during 1997 by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Board of <br />Commissioners did not specify a required number of members for the <br />reorganized committee. <br /> <br />AdJournment <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carpenter, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart <br />and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />