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290 <br /> <br />(21) <br /> <br />(22) <br /> <br />(23) <br /> <br />(24) <br /> <br />(25) <br />(26) <br />(27) <br />(28) <br /> <br />(29) <br /> <br />(30) <br />(31) <br /> <br />(32) <br /><33) <br /> <br />(34) <br /> <br />(35) <br /> <br />(36) <br />(37) <br /> <br />To act as an agent for the federal, State or local government in <br />connection with the acquisition, construction, operation or management <br />of a public health facility, or any part thereof; <br />To arrange with the State, its subdivisions and agencies, and any <br />county or city, to the extent it is within the scope of their <br />respective functions, <br />(a) TO cause the services customarily provided by each to be <br /> rendered for the benefit of the public health authority, <br />(b) To acquire property, options or property rights for the <br /> furnishing of property or services for a public health <br /> facility, and <br />(c) To provide and maintain sewage, water and other facilities for <br /> public health facilities; <br />To insure the property or the operations of the authority against <br />risks as the authority may deem advisable; <br />To invest any funds held in reserves or sinking funds, or any funds <br />not required for immediate disbursement, in property or securities in <br />which trustees, guardians, executors, administrators, and others <br />acting in a fiduciary capacity may legally invest funds under their <br />control; <br />To sue and be sued; <br />To have a seal and to alter it at pleasure; <br />To have perpetual succession; <br />To make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or <br />convenient to the exercise of the powers of the authority; <br />To remove vehicles parked on land owned or leased by the public health <br />authority in areas clearly designated as no parking or restricted <br />parking zones. An owner of a removed vehicle as a condition of <br />regaining possession of the vehicle, shall reimburse the public health <br />authority for all reasonable costs, not to exceed Fifty Dollars <br />($50.00), incidental to the removal and storage of the vehicle <br />provided that the designation of the area as a no parking or <br />restricted parking zone clearly indicates that the owner may be <br />subject to these costs; <br />To plan and operate public health facilities; <br /> To provide teaching and instruction programs and schools for medical <br /> students, interns, physicianS, nurses, technicians and other health <br /> care professionals; <br /> To provide and maintain continuous public health services; <br /> To adopt, amend and repeal rules and regulations governing the care, <br /> conduct, and treatment of patients; <br /> To establish a fee schedule for services received from public health <br /> facilities and make the services available regardless of ability to <br /> pay; <br /> To maintain and operate isolation facilities for the care and <br /> treatment of contagious, or other similar diseases; <br /> To sell a public health facility pursuant to N.C.G.S. §131E-8; and <br /> To agree to limitations upon the exercise of any powers conferred upon <br /> the public health authority by this Part in connection with any loan <br /> by a government. <br /> <br /> NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, the Public Health Authority of Cabarrus <br />County shall neither have, exercise nor possess any powers identified in N.C.G.S. <br />§131E-23 which authorizes it to own or operate an acute care hospital facility, <br />nor may the authority exercise the right of eminent domain granted under the <br />provisions of N.G.G.S. §131E-24 without a separate express resolution therefor <br />adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Cabarrus County, North Carolina. <br /> <br /> 3. The Public Health Authority of Gabarrus County shall have seven (7) <br />Commissioners (the "Commissioners"), all of whom shall be appointed or <br />reappointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners for Gabarrus County, <br />pursuant to N.C.G.S. §131E-18, with the advice of the Board of Commissioners of <br />Cabarrus County upon nomination from the following: <br /> <br />(a) From the Board of Health, one (1) member; <br />(b) From the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners, one (1) member or <br /> designee; <br />(c) From the Gabarrus County Medical Society, one (1) member; <br />(d) From the Cabarrus Physicians Organization, one (1) member: <br />(e) From the Cabarrus Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, one (1) member <br /> or designee; and <br /> <br /> <br />