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352 <br /> <br />maps showing the location of the property and reviewed the Staff Analysis. He <br />listed the following information concerning Petition 97-11: (1) The stated <br />purpose for the rezoning was to provide additional industrial property in a <br />growing industrial area of the county; (2) Public water and sewer are available <br />in the area; (3) The Corning plant is being constructed just to the north of the <br />property; (4) The Midland Area Plan identifies the Wallace Road/U.S. 601 area <br />as the prime industrial area in the Midland area; and (5) Staff recommended <br />approval of the rezontng. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton briefly addressed the issue of industrial development in the <br />Midland area, including the construction of the Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment <br />Plant and the installation of water and sewer lines to serve that area of the <br />county. <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper opened the public hearing on Petition 97-11 at 7:14 P.M. <br />and asked if anyone wished to address the Board regarding the rezoning request. <br /> <br /> Mr. Danny A. Love of 15554 Highway 601, South, Midland, spoke in <br />opposition to Petition 97~11. He cited concerns regarding the following: (1) <br />Location of additional industrial property in the area; (2) Adequacy of buffering <br />requirements to protect adjoining property owners; (3) Residents having to live <br />with the unknown about the type of development planned for the property; and (4) <br />Growth in the Midland area. In conclusion, Mr. Love stated in his opinion the <br />rezoning is not justified and asked the Board to deny the rezoning request. <br /> <br /> Mr. Joe Eudy, resident of 15620 Highway 601, South, Midland, and adjacent <br />property owner, opposed the rezoning. He questioned the need for the rezoning <br />as well as the adequacy of water and sewer facilities to serve additional <br />industrial property. Mr. Eudy stated there is in excess of 300 acres of <br />undeveloped general industrial property in the area and the Muddy Greek <br />Wastewater Treatment plant will be over capacity with the construction of the new <br />medical facility and new Corning plant. In conclusion, Mr. Eudy complained <br />about the lack of services provided by his County tax dollars. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mark Eudy of 15425 Highway 601, South, Midland, objected to the <br />rezoning. Stating he can see the property from his home, he expressed concern <br />that the rezoning will decrease the value of his home. Also, Mr. Eudy questioned <br />how much additional land in the area will be rezoned. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ed Hill, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, reported the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission approved the rezoning by a 7 to 2 vote on June 19. <br />He stated the property is adjacent to the Corning property and fronts on a road <br />that supports industrial development. <br /> <br /> Mr. William Eudy of 15475 Highway 601, South, Midland, opposed the <br />rezoning and stated in his opinion the rezoning would cause his property to <br />depreciate. He complained about the lack of services from his County tax <br />dollars. <br /> <br /> Mr. Larry Baker of 15201 Highway 601, Midland, opposed the rezoning. He <br />expressed concern that industrial zoning keeps "inching~ into homes of families <br />who live in the community. According to Mr. Baker, the new Corning plant is <br />enough burden on the community for what the residents are receiving from their <br />tax dollars. <br /> <br /> There was no one else to address the Board, and Chairman Casper closed the <br />public hearing at 7:36 P.M. <br /> <br /> In response to questions regarding transitional zoning, Mr. Marshall <br />explained that the County does not have a true pyramid type of zoning. However, <br />he stated there are buffering requirements to protect adjoining property owners. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Niblock with <br />Commissioners Mills and Niblock and Chairman Casper voting for and Commissioner <br />Carpenter voting against, the Board approved Petition 97-11 as presented to <br />rezone 81.6 acres of property (Map/PIN 5543-44-1315 and 5543~33-2556) ovrned by <br />Robert and Donna Wallace located off U. S. Highway 601 South from Low Density <br />Residential to General Industrial. <br /> <br />Zonin8 Text Amendment - Petition 96-06(T) Relative to Wireless Telecommunication <br />Services - Public Hearin~ - 7:00 P.M. <br /> <br /> <br />