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381 <br /> <br />This Ordinance is hereby adopted by the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br />to apply to all unincorporated portions of Cabarrus County. However, this <br />Ordinance may apply within incorporated areas of municipalities upon proper <br />resolution by the governing bodies of the respective municipalities and agreement <br />with the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />Wherever conflicts exist between federal, state or local laws, ordinances, or <br />rules, the more restrictive provision shall apply. <br /> <br />Section 4 Definitions <br />As used in this Ordinance, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the <br />definitions shown herein shall apply. Words which are not specifically defined <br />shall be interpreted as having their normal dictionary definitions. <br /> <br />Accelerated Erosion - means any increase over the rate of natural erosion as a <br />result of land-disturbing activity. <br /> <br />Act - means the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 and <br />all rules and orders adopted pursuant to it. <br /> <br />Adequate Erosion Control Measure, Structure~ or Device - means one which controls <br />the soil material within the land area under responsible control of the person <br />conducting the land-disturbing activity. <br /> <br />Affiliate - a person that directly, or indirectly through one or more <br />intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control of another <br />person. <br /> <br />Being Conducted means a land-disturbing activity has been initiated and <br />permanent stabilization of the site has not been completed. <br /> <br />Board of Commissioners - means the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />Borrow - means fill material which is required for on-site construction and is <br />obtained from other locations. <br /> <br />Buffer Zone - means the strip of land adjacent to a lake or natural watercourse. <br /> <br />Certificate of Completion for Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control - a <br /> <br />certificate issued by Cabarrus County indicating that the permittee has achieved <br />acceptable stabilization in accordance with the approved Plan and has completed <br />all work necessary on the site related to soil erosion. <br /> <br />Commission - means the Cabarrus County Watershed Improvement Commission <br /> <br />Completion of Construction or Development - means that no further land disturbing <br />activity is required on a phase of a project except that which is necessary for <br />establishing a permanent ground cover. <br /> <br />County - means Cabarrus County, including any personnel or agent of Cabarrus <br />County. <br /> <br />Department - means the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and <br />Natural Resources. <br /> <br />Development Services Department - means the Cabarrus County Development Services <br />Department. <br /> <br />Director - means the Director of the Division of Land Resources of the Department <br />of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. <br /> <br />Discharge Point - means that point at which runoff leaves a tract of land. <br /> <br />District - means the Cabarrus Soil and Water Conservation District (also referred <br />to as the "SWCD") created pursuant to Chapter 139 of the North Carolina Statutes. <br /> <br />Energy Dissipater - means a structure or a shaped channel section with mechanical <br />armoring placed at the outlet of pipes or conduits to receive and break down the <br />energy from high velocity flow. <br /> <br />Erosion - means the wearing away of land surface by the action of wind, water, <br />gravity, or any combination thereof. <br /> <br /> <br />