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436 <br /> <br />transfer tax would affect both newcomers and young residents trying to find <br />affordable housing. Mr. Scarbrough addressed the issue of the recruitment of new <br />industries and the need for housing for their employees. He suggested that the <br />sales tax from the new mall may be enough to fund school needs and supported the <br />consolidation of the school systems, the one cent local sales tax or other broad <br />based taxes. Finally, Mr. Scarbrough questioned the legality of the referendum <br />legislation and asked that the Board wait until August or September to allow time <br />for the approval of new legislation. <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper stated that Commissioner Mills had requested to step down <br />as a commissioner and speak as a citizen since he owns property in Cabarrus <br />County. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Mills addressed comments by Mr. Dover concerning information <br />that had been distributed by the Realtors Association. He advised that the real <br />property transfer tax will be paid by the purchaser, not the seller. <br />Commissioner Mills strongly supported a vote by the people on the issue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bob Landers, Chairman of the Cabarrus Chamber of Commerce, stated the <br />Chamber's support and endorsement of a referendum for an additional one cent <br />sales tax and one percent local real property transfer tax. He stressed the <br />importance of adequately funding school needs to ensure the success of the <br />children. <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Sabol of Weddington Road, Concord, supported the proposed sales <br />tax and real property transfer fee as opposed to increased property taxes. He <br />stated the County should also pursue non-revenue options to slow growth. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tim Drye, speaking on behalf of the Eastern Cabarrus Citizens <br />Organization, spoke in support of placing both issues on the ballot. He opposed <br />property tax increases and pointed out that 1998 is revaluation year in Cabarrus <br />County. <br /> <br /> To clarify earlier comments, Mr. Hartsell advised that the proposed ballot <br />issue for Cabarrus County specifies that the purchaser of property will pay the <br />real property transfer tax. <br /> <br /> Ms. Marilyn Barnhardt of 5800 Wabash Lane, Concord, urged the Board to put <br />the issues on the ballot for the voters to decide. She stated in her opinion the <br />developers are greedy and should give back to the community for the schools. <br /> <br /> Mr. John A. Hammett, Jr. of 277 Ikerd Drive, Concord, urged caution in <br />introducing any kind of new tax. However, he supported letting the voters decide <br />the issue. Further, he suggested that the County look to growth and sales tax <br />for necessary funding and be conservative with expenses each year. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lester Drye of 6700 Zion Church Road, Concord, encouraged the Board to <br />allow the voters to vote on the issues and urged relief on property taxes. <br /> <br /> Mr. James H. Mann of 4500 Old Salisbury/Concord Road, Concord, opposed the <br />two proposed taxes. He stated in his opinion the County does not need this <br />additional tax as growth in the County could provide needed funding. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mark Ellis of 1419 Chadmore Lane, Concord, supported the proposed <br />referenda for local sales tax and real property transfer tax. He stated that good <br />schools and low taxes are necessary to attract the people needed to provide good <br />health care in the community. <br /> <br /> Mr. Robert M. Webb of 11735 Jim Sossamon Road, Midland opposed any <br />additional taxes and complained of recent property tax increases. He stated he <br />has no children and in his opinion it is not fair for him to pay additional taxes <br />to fund the schools. <br /> <br /> Ms. Grace Mynatt, Chairperson of the Cabarrus Board of Education, addressed <br />the facility and technology needs of the schools, including new schools to <br />accommodate the 700+ new students each year. Ms. Mynatt outlined the following <br />two options to meet those needs: (1) Approval of the referenda for the sales tax <br />and real property transfer tax; or (2) Consideration of year round schools and <br />redistricting as a short-term options if the proposals are rejected. She urged <br />the Board to let the voters determine the issue and work together for a solution. <br />Mr. David Cook yielded his time to Ms. Mynatt. <br /> <br /> <br />