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36 <br /> <br />themselves or their property unnecessarily at risk. Available <br />compensatory time and/or appropriate leave will be taken in order to <br />leave work early, to delay arrival at work, or in the case where an <br />employee does not report to the job because of inclement weather. <br /> <br />Reauest for ApProval of a Communications Systems Right-of-Way and Easement <br />Agreement between .Cabarrus County. and AT~T Corporation <br /> <br /> UPO~ MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Niblock with <br />Commissioners Mills, Ntblock and Casper and Chairman Barnhart voting for, the <br />Board authorized publication of the ten-day notice to convey the communications <br />systems right-of-way and easement requested by AT&T Corporation on property at <br />the Cabarrus County Landfill at a cost of $500.00. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />School Bond Referendum.- Public Hearing/Adoption of Bond Order and Resolution <br />6;30 P,M, <br /> <br /> The Chairman announced that this was the date and hour fixed by the Board <br />of Commissioners for the public hearing upon the order entitled: "ORDER <br />AUTHORIZING $49,000,000 SCHOOL BONDS" and that the Board of Commissioners would <br />immediately hear anyone who might wish to be heard on the questions of the <br />validity of said order or the advisability of issuing said bonds. <br /> <br /> No one appeared, either in person or by attorney, to be heard on the <br />questions of the validity of said order or the advisability of issuing said bonds <br />and the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners announced that no written statement <br />relating to said questions had been received, except Mr. Mel Thompson, residing <br />in Kannapolis, who appeared in person and stated that he as a parent supported <br />the school bond issue and specifically cited the need for replacement of Aycock <br />Elementary as well as for the construction of a sixth grade wing at Kannapolis <br />Middle School; Mr. Kenneth Propst, residing in Concord, who appeared in person <br />and, speaking as a parent and as a representative of the Cabarrus Chamber of <br />Commerce, stated that he supported the school bond referendum and that the <br />business community appears to be very much in support of the bond issue; Ms. <br />Marilyn Barnhardt, residing at 5800 Wabash Lane, Concord, who appeared in person <br />and stated that she is against the school bond issue and that the County should <br />place impact fees on the construction of new houses to provide funding for <br />additional schools which are needed in the county; Mrs. Grace Mynatt, residing <br />at 1980 Highway 73 East in Concord, who appeared in person and, speaking as a <br />member of the Cabarrus County Board of Education, a grandparent, and the wife of <br />a business owner in Cabarrus County, stated the growing need for school <br />facilities in the county and addressed the importance of a quality school system <br />in attracting new businesses to Cabarrus County; and Mr. Carl Parmer, Mayor of <br />the Town of Harrisburg, who appeared in person and stated the need to provide <br />adequate funding for the schools and reported that the Harrisburg Town Council <br />had unanimously adopted a resolution endorsing the establishment of this bond <br />program for the schools. <br /> <br /> Ail of the foregoing statements were duly considered by the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br /> <br /> Thereupon, upon motion of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner <br />Mills, the order introduced and passed on first reading on February 19, 1996 <br />entitled: "ORDER AUTHORIZING $49,000,000 SCHOOL BONDS". was read a second time <br />by title and placed upon its final passage. The vote upon the final passage of <br />said order was: <br /> <br />Ayes: Chairman Barnhart and Commissioners Casper, Mills and Niblock. <br />Noes: None <br /> <br /> The Chairman then announced that the order entitled: "ORDER AUTHORIZING <br />$49,000,000 SCHOOL BONDS" had been adopted. <br /> <br /> The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners was thereupon directed to publish <br />said order, together with the appended statement as required by The Local <br />Government Bond Act, as amended, once in The Charlotte Observer (Cabarrus <br />Neighbors Edition), The Concord Tribune and The Daily Independent. <br /> <br /> <br />