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BC 1992 09 21
Public Meetings
Meeting Minutes
BC 1992 09 21
Entry Properties
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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76 <br /> <br />be performed by BUYer, then the Option Money shall be forfeited and retained by <br />Seller as full and complete liquidated damages. <br /> 4. Contract Upon Exercise. Upon exercise, the terms and conditions of <br />purchase and sale shall be as follows: <br /> 4.01. Purchase Price. The Purchase Price shall be Two Million One Hundred <br />Fifty Thousand and No/lO0 Dollars ($2,150,000.00), payable as follows: (t) Two <br />Million Ten Thousand and No/100 Dollars (2,010,000.00) in cash or by check <br />satisfactory to Seller at closing, and (ii) One Hundred Forty Thousand and No/100 <br />Dollars ($140,000.00) in cash or by check satisfactory to Seller upon Seller's <br />delivery of possession of the "Building Tract" (as defined in Paragraph 4.06 <br />below). <br /> 4.02. Ad Valorem Taxes. Ad valorem taxes on the real property shall be <br />prorated on a calendar year basis to the date of closing. 4.03. Other Conditions. <br /> A. There must be no restriction or easement that would prevent use of the <br />property for shopping center purposes. <br /> B. The property must be rezoned to B2 from its current zoning of O-1 and, <br />once the rezoning has been obtained, no change in such zoning shall be pending <br />or threatened at the time of closing. Such rezontng shall be undertaken by Buyer <br />at its sole expense. Seller shall cooperate fully with Buyer's efforts to rezone <br />the property. <br /> C. Seller must deliver title to all of the property at closing by general <br />warranty deed and title must be indefeasible, fee simple and marketable, free of <br />all liens and encumbrances except only ad valorem taxes for the current year <br />(prorated as provided in 4.02 above), and such other encumbrances as may be <br />specifically approved by Buyer. <br /> D. Seller shall furnish at closing an affidavit and indemnification <br />agreement in form satisfactory to Buyer showing that all labor or materials, if <br />any, furnished to the property within 120 days prior to the date of closing have <br />been paid and agreeing to indemnify Buyer against all loss from any cause arising <br />therefrom. <br /> E. The property must have legal access to a public right-of-way. <br /> F. The property must be in substantially the same condition on the date <br />of closing as on the date of this Option. Seller agrees not to take any action <br />whatsoever which would adversely affect the value or title to the property prior <br />to closing. <br /> G. Risk of loss by fire or other casualty prior to closing shall be on <br />Seller. <br /> H. Seller's obligation to perform under this Option is subject to the <br />upset bid procedures and other provisions set forth in North Carolina General <br />Statutes Section 160A-269 (the "Statute"). Buyer hereby expressly acknowledges <br />its awareness of the Statute. In the event Buyer is not the successful bidder <br />for the property under the Statute, then this Option shall terminate and all <br />Option Money (together with interest thereon as provided in Paragraph 3 hereof) <br />shall be refunded in full to Buyer. Seller agrees to give the notice required <br />under the Statute to start the upset bid process within five (5) business days <br />after receipt of Buyer's notice of its election to exercise the Option granted <br />under this instrument. <br /> I. Seller's obligation to perform under this Option also is subject to <br />Seller's being able to locate an alternate location for the Cabarrus County <br />Agricultural Fair, Inc., ("Fairgrounds~) satisfactory to Seller and the <br />Fairgrounds within the 60-day period immediately following the date of this <br />Option as appearing on the first page hereof. Seller shall use its best, good <br />faith efforts to locate a suitable location for the Fairgrounds within said 60- <br />day period. If Seller fails to find such location for the Fairgrounds within <br />said 60-day period, this Option shall terminate and all Option Money shall be <br />refunded to Buyer with interest as provided in this Option. <br /> 4.04. Closing Expenses. Seller shall pay for the preparation of a deed <br /> and for revenue stamps required by law. Buyer shall pay for recording the deed° <br /> Except as may otherwise be stated herein each party shall bear its own expense <br /> or expenses, including its own attorney's fees. <br /> 4.05. Closing of Sale and Purchase. Ail parties agree to execute any and <br />all documents and papers necessary in connection with closing and transfer of <br />title and to close such transfer on or before the expiration of thirty (30) days <br />following the date on which the upset period set forth in the Statute shall have <br />expired with Buyer's offer as set forth in this Option being the offer accepted <br />by Seller, and such closing shall be held in the offices of counsel for Seller <br />in Concord, North Carolina, or at such other time and place as the parties may <br />mutually agree. <br /> 4.06. Delivery of Possession. Seller shall deliver exclusive possession <br /> <br /> <br />
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