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6OO <br /> <br />LENTZ: There is one thing I wanted to clear up. There was a letter to the <br />editor in the paper yesterday. I forgot the gentleman's name but it was not a <br />local name, wasn't Lentz, I know that. He referred to his tax money paid for <br />my defense on the McGinnis vs. Lentz thing. And I wanted that fellow to know <br />that he was wrong. The county, unless I am mistaken, has not paid one dime for <br />my defense on that case. Is that correct, Fletcher? <br /> <br />HARTSELL: Yes, sir <br /> <br />LENTZ: And I wanted him to know that ...that that was a false statement along <br />with other false statements but I can prove that that one is wrong. Ail right, <br />do you want to talk about any thing else before we go into executive session. <br /> <br />MELVIN: Let's go back there and talk about this and finish one at the time. <br />LENTZ: Ail right. Would you move, make the motion? <br /> <br />MELVIN: I will <br /> <br />LENTZ: And I would second. Any other discussion. Hearing none we will vote. <br />Ail in favor of the motion signify by saying "aye" <br /> <br />LENTZ, MELVIN, MOSS: Aye <br /> <br />SIMMONS: No <br /> <br />HARTSELL: Going in for consultation with counsel, I would assume. <br /> <br />LENTZ: That's what I was going come up with an agreement or contract to <br />deal with the City on the actual exchange.. Going to recess for about 5 minutes. <br />Going into executive session back in the conference room. <br /> <br /> (Executive Session) <br /> <br />LENTZ: I would move that we come out of executive session. Is there a second? <br />MOSS: Second <br /> <br />LENTZ: Seconded by Mr. Moss. Any discussion? Hearing none, we will vote. Ail <br />in favor of the motion signify by saying aye. <br /> <br /> LENTZ, MOSS, MELVIN, SIMMONS: Aye <br /> <br /> LENTZ: Ail opposed "no" <br /> <br /> LENTZ: Ail right, I would move that we go into executive session. Ok, we have <br /> been in executive session discussing a contractual matter with our attorney. <br /> There is a need to go into executive session to discuss this same contractual <br /> agreement with officials from the City of Concord. And I would so move on that <br /> at this time. Is there a second? <br /> <br /> MELVIN: Second <br /> <br /> LENTZ: Any discussions or questions concerning that motion. Hearing none we <br /> will vote, signify by saying aye. <br /> <br /> LENTZ, MELVIN, MOSS: Aye <br /> <br /> LENTZ: Opposed? <br /> <br /> SIMMONS: No <br /> <br /> LENTZ: Oh, ok. <br /> <br /> SIMMONS: I'm supposed to vote no on everything, remember. <br /> <br /> LENTZ: 3 to 1. At this time I will recess <br /> <br /> (Executive Session) <br /> <br /> <br />