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SENIOR CENTERS ADVISORY COUNCIL <br />The Senior Centers Advisory Council aids in determining senior citizen activities <br />to be provided by the County as well as activities and operations at the senior <br />centers. The council is comprised of 11 members who work closely with the Active <br />Living and Parks Department and Senior Center staff. Appointments are for three- <br />year terms. <br />TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD <br />This board works to advance coordination between the County and human service <br />agencies, to monitor transportation services and to advise the Board on issues <br />related to human service transportation policy matters. Members include <br />representatives from Human Services, Cabarrus Health Alliance, Cabarrus EMS, <br />L.I.F.E. Center, Cabarrus Workshop, Healthy Cabarrus, Head Start, Cardinal <br />Innovations Healthcare Solutions and a representative of the visually impaired in <br />the county. <br />YOUTH COMMISSION <br />The purpose of the Youth Council is to provide teens in the community an <br />opportunity to be active citizens. Through experiences and education, youth will <br />be empowered in the community. The Youth Council will expose teens to county <br />government, allow teens an opportunity to discuss issues, and interact with county <br />commissioners and employees through youth -adult partnerships. <br />Attachment number 1 \n <br />1-6 Page 337 <br />