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The land on which this residential dwelling stands may not be subdivided from the <br />Protected Property. Grantee's participation in or the signing of this Agricultural Land <br />Easement in no way constitutes approval of the permitting of these residential dwellings. <br />All appurtenant structures shall be contained within the Farmstead Area. Any septic <br />system and field to provide for domestic effluent shall be contained within the Farmstead <br />Areas. In the event that a suitable site for the system and field cannot be located within <br />the Farmstead Area, a suitable location outside the Farmstead Area may be utilized with <br />the written approval of the Grantee, the NCDA&CS and NRCS. <br />3.5. Recreational Improvements. Grantor expressly reserves the right to engage in low imp <br />non-devetoped recreational activities such as hunting, fishing, hiking, bird watclting�etc. 'B <br />to control access of all persons for the purpose of bunting and fishing, hiking, b' d ai;f6ing, <br />etc., provided that these activities do not impact the protection and conservatjpp� y animal <br />habitat or other Conservation Values of the Protected Property. (( �� <br />AA <br />3.6. Utility Services Septic Systems and Fuel Storage. Installation, main rise, repair, <br />replacement, removal and relocation of electric, gas, and water fact eea, 3I wer lines and/or <br />other public or private utilities, including telephone or other coy�mmmint.c'htion services over or <br />under the Protected Property for the purpose of providing elceitt'pat,'gas, water, sewer, or other <br />utilities to serve improvements permitted herein, and the right to grant easements over and <br />under the Protected Property for such purposes, is permittyed.��Installation, maintenance, repair <br />or improvement of a septic system or other undergromrksTallary system for the benefit of any <br />of the improvements permitted herein, is permittve-ground storage tanks for fuels or <br />any other materials for residential or on-site agr use are permitted up to a maximum <br />size of one thousand (1000) gallons. Any such are required to be located within the <br />Farmstead Area, shall be constructed ton pollution to land or water, and in <br />accordance with applicable local, state teal laws and regulations. All other utilities are <br />prohibited on the Protected Prc '�i mg, but not limited to, communication towers or <br />structures. Notwithstanding the pus sentence, with advance written permission from <br />Grantee, Grantor retains thejjjjjJ''''''������ght to o nstruct a wind turbine or similar device for the purpose <br />of generating electricity to e l for the permitted improvements and famdng operations <br />occurring on the Prate ed P arty. <br />On -£arm energy prenewable energy production is allowed for the purpose of <br />generating energy f the agricultural and residential needs of the Protected Property. <br />RenewableeireGgy sources most be built and maintained within impervious surface limits, with <br />minimal impact on the conservation values of the Protected Property and consistent with the <br />purposes of the ALE. <br />3.7, Forest Manauement and Timber Harvest. Forest management and timber harvesting is <br />allowed, provided it is carried out to the extent practicable, in accordance with current, <br />generally accepted best management practices for the sites, soils, and terrain of the Protected <br />Property. In addition, if the Protected Property contains 40 contiguous acres of forest or 20 <br />percent of the Protected Property is forestland then forest management and timber harvesting <br />must be performed in accordance with a written forest management plan. The forest <br />management plan must be prepared by a professional resource manager, in consultation with <br />the Grantee. A forest management plan will not be required for the following allowed <br />noncommercial activities: cutting of trees for the construction of allowed roads, utilities, <br />buildings and structures on the Protected Property, cutting of Gees for trail clearing, cutting of <br />trees for domestic use as firewood or for other domestic uses by Grantor, removal of trees <br />F-7 Page 150 <br />