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IV. ADFP Trust Fund Monitoring Roles and Responsibilities <br />The ADFP Trust Fund monitoring methods include, but not limited to: <br />- Site visit: ADFP Trust Fund staff will make every effort to coordinate site visits with the grantee's <br />monitoring schedule. ADFP Trust Fund staff will physically visit easement ADFP Trust Fund staff <br />will notify grantee and seek permission from landowner. <br />- In -office: ADFP Trust Fund staff will review grantee monitoring reports and verify information. <br />Site visit protocol for ADFP Trust Fund staff: <br />- Contact grantee about site visit. Site visits will be coordinated to the extent possible with the <br />grantee's annual monitoring visit schedule. <br />- Review completed "Grantee Monitoring Checklist - Perpetual or Term Easement" <br />- Ensure landowner has been notified of site visit <br />- Site visit can be conducted on foot or by vehicle. <br />- Compile documentation, including, but not limited to, photographs and data. <br />- Complete "ADFP Trust Fund Staff Monitoring Report - Perpetual or Term Easement" <br />- Complete "ADFP Trust Fund Staff Incident Report - Perpetual or Term Easement" if necessary. <br />- Site visit will occur every three (3) years, unless otherwise directed. <br />In -office monitoring protocol for ADFP Trust Fund staff: <br />- Review completed "Grantee Monitoring Checklist- Perpetual or Term Easement" <br />- Review the most current aerial photography data available (e.g. GIS via Multi -Hazard Threat <br />Database (MHTD), Google Earth, etc.). <br />- Complete "ADFP Trust Fund Staff In -Office Monitoring Report- Perpetual or Term Easement." <br />- Complete "ADFP Trust Fund Staff Incident Report - Perpetual or Term Easement" if necessary. <br />- In -office monitoring will be completed in the years when site visits do not occur. <br />Incident report protocol for ADFP Trust Fund staff: <br />- The "ADFP Trust Fund Staff Incident Report - Perpetual or Term Easement" must be filed if a <br />grantee reports a violation or if ADFP Trust Fund staff discovers a violation during a site visit or <br />in -office monitoring. <br />- The completed "ADFP Trust Fund Staff Incident Report - Perpetual or Term Easement" will be <br />submitted to the Program Director for review, investigation, and/or corrective action. <br />- If an incident report is filed, the subsequent year a site visit will occur. The monitoring schedule <br />(site visit, in -office, in -office, site visit) will be reset each time an incident report is filed. <br />- The appropriate NCDA&CS staff will formally notify grantee via letter of violation or potential <br />violation. <br />- Thirty days from the date of notification of a violation, the grantee, with landowner cooperation, <br />shall submit a Plan of Corrective Action to the ADFP Trust Fund Staff. The Plan of Corrective <br />Action must be a comprehensive plan detailing the corrective action that will be taken to remedy <br />all violations and bring the easement area back in compliance. The ADFP Trust Fund staff will <br />work with grantee and landowner for correction. <br />V. Grantee Monitoring Responsibilities and Expectations <br />Grantees will complete and submit "Grantee Monitoring Checklist - Perpetual or Term Easement" to <br />ADFP Trust Fund office annually on or before December 31. In January, ADFP Trust Fund staff will <br />coordinate to the extent possible with the grantee's annual monitoring visit schedule for easements due <br />for a site visit. Grantees are encouraged to submit tentative site visit schedule to ADFP Trust Fund office <br />F-7 Page 166 <br />