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SECTION 3 <br />CONTRACTUAL <br />DOCUMENTATION <br />Communications System Agreement <br />Motorola Solutions, Inc. ("Motorola") and Cabarrus County will enter into this "Agreement," pursuant to which <br />Cabarrus County will purchase and Motorola will sell the System, as described below. Motorola and Customer may <br />be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." For good and valuable consideration, the <br />Parties agree as follows: <br />Section 1 EXHIBITS <br />The exhibits listed below are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. In interpreting this Agreement <br />and resolving any ambiguities, the main body of this Agreement takes precedence over the exhibits and any <br />inconsistency between Exhibits A through E will be resolved in their listed order. <br />Exhibit Motorola "Software License Agreement" <br />Exhibit "Payment Schedule" <br />Exhibit C "Technical and Implementation Documents" <br />C-1 "System Description" dated <br />C-2"Equipment List" dated <br />C-3"Statement of Work" dated <br />C-4"Acceptance Test Plan" or "ATP" dated <br />C-5 "Performance Schedule" dated <br />Exhibit D Service Statement(s) of Work and "Service Terms and Conditions' (if applicable) <br />Exhibit E "System Acceptance Certificate" <br />Section 2 DEFINITIONS <br />Capitalized terms used in this Agreement have the following meanings: <br />2.1. 'Acceptance Tests" means those tests described in the Acceptance Test Plan. <br />2.2. "Administrative User Credentials" means an account that has total access over the operating system, files, <br />end user accounts and passwords at either the System level or box level. Customer's personnel with access to <br />the Administrative User Credentials may be referred to as the Administrative User. <br />2.3. "Beneficial Use' means when Customer first uses the System or a Subsystem for operational purposes <br />(excluding training or testing). <br />2.4. "Confidential Information" means any information that is disclosed in written, graphic, verbal, or machine - <br />recognizable form, and is marked, designated, or identified at the time of disclosure as being confidential or its <br />equivalent; or if the information is in verbal form, it is identified as confidential at the time of disclosure and is <br />confirmed in writing within thirty (30) days of the disclosure. Confidential Information does not include any <br />information that: is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the receiving Party; is already known to <br />the receiving Party without restriction when it is disclosed; is or becomes, rightfully and without breach of this <br />Agreement, in the receiving Party's possession without any obligation restricting disclosure; is independently <br />developed by the receiving Party without breach of this Agreement; or is explicitly approved for release by written <br />authorization of the disclosing Party. <br />2.5. "Contract Price" means the price for the System, excluding applicable sales or similar taxes and freight charges. <br />August=s Use or dMbsure of this proposal's subject <br />to the resUbtbns on the cover page. <br />® Motorola Solutions C.Fd.Mml Restricted Contractual Documentation 3-1 <br />F-9 Page 214 <br />