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sovereign government entity, or the internal substantive laws of the State of Illinois if Licensee is not a sovereign <br />government entity. The terms of the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods do not apply. <br />In the event that the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act, any version of this Act, or a substantially similar <br />law (collectively "UCITA") becomes applicable to a party's performance under this Agreement, UCITA does not <br />govern any aspect of this Agreement or any license granted under this Agreement, or any of the parties' rights or <br />obligations under this Agreement. The governing law will be that in effect prior to the applicability of UCITA. <br />13.5. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement is entered into solely for the benefit of Motorola and <br />Licensee. No third party has the right to make any claim or assert any right under this Agreement, and no third <br />party is deemed a beneficiary of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any licensor or supplier of third <br />party software included in the Software will be a direct and intended third party beneficiary of this Agreement. <br />13.6. SURVIVAL. Sections 4, 5, 6.4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 survive the termination of this Agreement. <br />13.7. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE. In the event of inconsistencies between this Exhibit and the Primary <br />Agreement, the parties agree that this Exhibit prevails, only with respect to the specific subject matter of this Exhibit, <br />and not the Primary Agreement or any other exhibit as it applies to any other subject matter. <br />13.8 SECURITY. Motorola uses reasonable means in the design and writing of its own Software and the <br />acquisition of third party Software to limit Security Vulnerabilities. While no software can be guaranteed to be free <br />from Security Vulnerabilities, if a Security Vulnerability is discovered, Motorola will take the steps set forth in Section <br />6 of this Agreement. <br />A gmt2018 <br />Use or disclosure of this proposal's subject <br />to the iestdctbm on the cover page. <br />® Motorola$olutio. Confidential Restricted Contractual Docu mbffon 317 <br />F-9 Page 230 <br />