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RACE <br />xof Households <br />xof People <br />White <br />0 <br />0 <br />Black/African American <br />0 <br />0 <br />Asian <br />0 <br />0 <br />American Indian/Alaskan Native <br />0 <br />0 <br />Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander <br />0 <br />0 <br />Am Indian/Alaskan Native and White <br />0 <br />0 <br />Asian&White <br />0 <br />0 <br />Black/African American and White <br />0 <br />0 <br />Am Indian/Alaska Native and Black <br />0 <br />0 <br />Other Multi -Racial <br />0 <br />0 <br />Hispanic Ethnicity <br />0 <br />0 <br />Income <br />0 <br />Less than 30% AMI <br />0 <br />0 <br />31%-50%AMI <br />0 <br />0 <br />51%-80%AMI <br />0 <br />0 <br />80% -AMI <br />0 <br />0 <br />Family Status and Special Needs <br />Female -Headed <br />0 <br />0 <br />Disabled <br />(not elderl) <br />0 <br />0 <br />Elderly <br />0 <br />0 <br />Homeless <br />0 <br />0 <br />AIDS/HIV+ <br />0 <br />0 <br />7. Budget Information <br />(Please provide the information requested below.) <br />• Funds expended this period were on advertising for Fair Housing and Public Hearings <br />BUDGET INFORMATION <br />HOME Funds Budgeted this period 2017-18 <br />0 <br />HOME Funds Expended this period <br />$784 <br />HOME Funds Balance as of June 30, 2018 <br />$252,305 <br />Other Federal Funds Expended this period <br />0 <br />Non -Federal Funds Expended this period <br />0 <br />Total Project Funds Expended this period <br />0 <br />G-1 Page 276 <br />