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General Legislation <br />1. Support local citizen involvement by requiring a local referendum prior to <br />legislative actions to change existing procedures for electing county <br />commissioners, ie. creating districts, territories, etc. <br />2. Studythe impact to local government finances of exempting nonprofits from <br />the requirement of paying property taxes and review possible payment in <br />lieu of taxes requirements. <br />3. Improve the Tier rating system by allowing smaller towns and cities located <br />in Tier Three counties to compete for all available grants by creating split <br />tiered counties. <br />4. Change North Carolina Rural Center's grant/loan award criteria to more <br />closely match the USDA Rural Development aid requirements — specifically <br />related to prohibition against aid to municipalities in Tier 3 counties. <br />Medicaid <br />1. Pursue Medicaid reimbursement options for Community Paramedic services. <br />Board of Elections <br />1. Support the creation of larger voting districts' <br />2. Allow counties to reduce the amount of operational voting precincts. <br />3. Continue to permit early voting districts. <br />4. Support flexibility for local Boards of Elections to re -organize precincts in <br />order to create more uniform precinct sizes. <br />Mental Health <br />1. Request to revisit and reexamine the current North Carolina Certificate of <br />Need (CON) law, which prohibits health care providers, including mental <br />health facilities, from acquiring, replacing or adding to their facilities without <br />the prior approval of the Department of Health and Human Services. <br />Exploration of the CON law would reveal limitations associated with available <br />services, restrictions based on provider geographic location and the most <br />cost effective and efficient service provisions. By reviewing and making <br />necessary revisions to the CON law, it would allow providers to increase <br />capacity through site expansion, increase bed availability and more <br />adequately meet the needs of residents. <br />G-2 Page 285 <br />