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and future viability, and related conservation values, by limiting non-agricultural uses <br />of the Protected Property; <br />2. N. C. Gen. Stat. § 139-2 et sea, which provides that "it is hereby declared ...that the <br />farm, forest and grazing lands of the State of North Carolina are among the basic <br />assets of the State and the preservation of these lands is necessary to protect and <br />promote the health, safety and general welfare of its people... It is hereby declared to <br />be the policy of the legislature to provide for the conservation of the soil and resources <br />of this State;" <br />3. N. C. Gen. Stat. § 106-583 et sea., which states that "It is declared to be tholi f <br />the State of Nath Carolina to promote the efficient production and mil a 01N the <br />products of the soil as essential to the health and welfare of our perpromote <br />a sound and prosperous agriculture and coral life as indispensable t th aintenance <br />of maximum prosperity;" �/ <br />4. The Uniform North Carolina Conservation and Historic Pr at, n Agreements Act <br />(N. C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et sea.) which provides for �te�6tt-e ?�o eability of restrictions, <br />easements, covenants or conditions "appropriate £or Aht iiia, in land or water areas <br />predominantly in their natural, scenic, or open condition or in agricultural, <br />horticultural, farming or forest use;" and which p{{,o,tVes for tax assessment of lands <br />subject to such agreements "on the basis of the aloe of the land and improvement <br />less any reduction in value caused by thergg et�, IpenW, <br />5. The establishment of the North Caro ' 17armland Preservation Trust Fund <br />established in 2005 (N.C. Gen Sta 4 (c)) to preserve important farmland in <br />North Carolina; and rnL) <br />6. The special use assessmfamt and forest land as set forth in N. C. Gen. Stat. § <br />105-277.2 et sea. till <br />WHEREAS, Gra r anantee have the common purpose of protecting the above <br />described Conservation Va d current condition of the Protected Property and preventing <br />conversion of the Prate perry to non-agricultural uses and Grantor agrees to create and <br />implement an Agriiccul Land Easement Plan ("ALE Plan'). <br />As required by 1S.C. § 3865a, agricultural production and related uses of the Protected <br />Property are sobjec to an ALE Plan, as approved by NRCS, to promote the long-term viability of <br />the land; to med'dre Agricultural Land Easement ("ALE) purposes. The ALE Plan must also be <br />approved by the Grantor and the Grantee. Grantor agrees the use of the Property will be subject to <br />thelan on the Protected Property, <br />The ALE Plan is incorporated by reference and must not include any provisions inconsistent with <br />the conservation purposes of this ALE. The Grantee and Grantor agree to update the ALE Plan in <br />the event the agricultural uses of the Protected Property change. A copy of the current ALE Plan <br />is kept on file with the Grantee. <br />The Grantee must take all reasonable steps to secure compliance with the ALE Plan. In the event <br />of substantial or ongoing noncompliance with the ALE Plan or the requirement to update the ALE <br />Plan, NRCS may notify the Grantee. NRCS will give the Grantee and Grantor a reasonable <br />amount of time, not to exceed 180 days, to take corrective action. If Grantee fails to enforce the <br />F-7 Page 142 <br />