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Exhibit _, which is appended to and made a part of the ALE. Before undertaking any <br />construction or reconstruction that requires advance permission, the Grantor shall notify the <br />Grantee and obtain written permission. All construction or reconstruction is subject to <br />County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and must be consistent with permits <br />required by and issued by County under applicable laws and ordinances for such <br />construction activities. Any building that may be constructed under this Section may be <br />repaired and replaced. <br />The boundaries and location of the Farmstead Area may be adjusted if Grantee, The <br />NCDA&CS Commissioner of Agriculture, and the Chief of NRCS provide prior written <br />approval of the adjusted boundaries and location. The Farmstead Area may not increase) <br />size and the adjusted Farmstead Area most provide equal or greater protection of the <br />agricultural use and fixture viability and related conservation values of the Protected Property. <br />Utilities to serve approved buildings or structures, including on-farm e99��rgy structures <br />allowed and agricultural structures that neither individually nor coltec?`Ce y have an adverse <br />impact on the agricultural use and future viability and related consehqtiolitAralues of the <br />Protected Property, may be built outside of the Farmstead AWWit p r written approval of <br />the Grantee provided that the utilities or agricultural stmct e onsistent with the ALE <br />Plan. <br />Grantor further understands that the two percent (2%) t um impervious surface limit set <br />by the USDA Agricultural Conservation EasementALE disallows the construction <br />of any new structures or impervious roads or other imvements to the Protected Property or <br />replacement of said structures that would increase the total impervious surface area above the <br />two percent (2%) maximum. All pertnaneut copst�uction and/or placement upon the Protected <br />Property of any impervious surface m bbp�a proved in writing by the Gmntee to ensure the <br />maximum impervious limit is no[pXC. <br />a) Fences - Existing fence§,Ina(y b`Naintained and replaced, and new fences may be <br />installed if they are no s2r) for the agricultural operations on the Protected Property or <br />to mark the boundA es o e Protected Property. <br />b) Paving and Rostruction - Construction and maintenance of unpaved farm roads <br />that may b reqs bly necessary and incidental to carrying out the improvements and <br />uses pe Wed oil the Protected Property by this Agricultural Land Easement are <br />p tt0.x Such roads shall be located so as to minimize impact to prime and unique soils <br />S�otected Property. No portion of the Protected Property shall be paved or <br />[h t e covered with concrete, asphalt, or any other impervious paving material, <br />�1111���� ���� ut the advance written permission of the Grantee. New mads may be constructed if <br />ey are approved in advance by Grantee, within impervious surface limits, and necessary <br />to carry out the agricultural operations or other allowed uses on the Protected Property. <br />Maintenance of existing roads documented in the Baseline Documentation Report is <br />allowed; however, existing roads may net be widened or improved unless widening and <br />improving is within impervious surface limits, approved in advance by Grantee, and <br />necessary to carry out the agricultural operation or other allowed uses on the Protected <br />Property. <br />c) Farm Structures & Improvements - New buildings, barns, sheds and other structures and <br />improvements to be used primarily for agricultural purposes, including the processing or <br />sale of farm products predominantly grown or raised on the Protected Property may be <br />F-7 Page 148 <br />