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Neighborhood Meeting Minutes <br />4300 Gold Hill Road East <br />May 31, 2022 <br />On Tuesday May 31, Cabarrus County Staff held a meeting for adjacent property owners. The <br />purpose of the meeting was to provide information about the County’s request for a variance and special <br />use permit to construct a Wireless Telecommunications (WTC) Tower. The meeting was held from 5:00 <br />p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and was a drop-in format. Staff members from Planning & Development, the Sheriff’s <br />Department and the County Manager’s Office were in attendance to answer questions related to the <br />proposed variance and special use request. Five copies of the attached letter and map were sent out. One <br />property owner attended the meeting. The purpose of the request was explained to the attendee. The <br />attendee expressed concern over whether the tower would have 5G technology and what the potential <br />for harmful radiation would be. It was explained to the attendee that Cabarrus County is constructing this <br />tower initially as a public safety tower using equipment that will operate within the 800 MHz frequency <br />range, far lower than those for cell carrier 5G technology. Staff further explained that the kind of <br />technology that would potentially create the health hazard are devices like X-Ray machines that operate <br />at much higher frequencies. It is not clear at this point when and if private co-locators will place <br />technology on the tower and that Cabarrus County will evaluate at that point any available information <br />regarding the safety of 5G. The effects of radiation from WTC Towers with 5G technology is currently <br />being studied by many groups, but some such as the CDC and FDA deem it as safe, however it is still a <br />relatively new technology. <br /> <br />The attendee also questioned the potential effects of the tower on real estate values for <br />surrounding properties. It was explained that no one at the meeting was qualified to speak about the <br />effects of the tower on surrounding property values, therefore, staff refrained from making any <br />statements about the effect of the tower on surrounding property values. <br /> <br />