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Staff Use Only: <br />PLANNING STAFF REPORT Approved: ____ <br />CABARRUS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Denied: ____ <br /> Tabled ____ <br />additional structures could be located on the site in the future. The property owner stated that <br />a survey of the property was available and that it would be provided to Officer Lowe. <br /> <br />A survey dated 11/1/2020 was provided by the Appellant to Staff. The survey did not show the <br />required buffers on the stream, or the wetlands located on the property. Only the standard <br />setbacks were noted on the property. (See Survey #1) <br /> <br />Officer Lowe advised Appellant the minimum requirement for the stream buffer was 50 feet. <br />The survey determined that a violation of the ordinance existed and that the accessory <br />structure was in the required buffer area. Additionally, based on the survey provided, clearing <br />and grading had occurred in the buffer area as well. A Notice of Violation was issued on <br />1/14/2021.(See ZNC2021-00023 Notice of Violation) <br /> <br />1/26/2021 Officer Lowe visited the site for a follow up. At that time, it was determined that the <br />property owner had placed two additional structures on the property without permits. The new <br />structures also appeared to be in the waterbody buffer zone. Additionally, there is an RV on the <br />site that has been placed in the buffer and it appears that it is being used as a dwelling. (See <br />Photos dated January 25, 2021) The Appellant appealed the Notice of Violation on 2/12/2021. <br />Filing an Appeal stays further enforcement action for that specific violation issued on the site. <br /> <br />3/1/2021 Officer Lowe visited the site and observed continued, and possibly new, violations of <br />the ordinance. (See Photos Dated March 1, 2021) <br /> <br />5/7/2021 Office Lower and Deputy County Attorney, David Goldberg, visited the subject site to <br />observe conditions. Officer Lowe and Attorney Goldberg observed, and determined, that <br />additional land disturbing and clearing was conducted on the site. (See Photos Dated March 1, <br />2021) <br />5/10/2021 Deputy County Attorney David Goldberg and Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning <br />Manager, met with property owner to discuss options for compliance. <br /> <br />A survey dated May 10, 2021, was provided by the Appellant which shows the calculations and <br />delineates the required Waterbody Buffer Zone for the property. It also includes the proposed <br />placement of the house and pool on the subject property. The survey confirms the accessory <br />structure is in the buffer zone, along with the two additional structures and the RV. The area <br />has also been graded, riprap and gravel placed in the buffer area, and vegetation removed. (See <br />Survey #2) <br /> <br />5/11/2021 An second Notice of Violation was issued for the subject property for new clearing <br />related to identified wetlands on the site. A Stop Work Order was also issued for the entire site <br />to prevent additional clearing or development in the required buffers. (See ZNC2021-00215 <br /> <br />