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Staff Use Only: <br />PLANNING STAFF REPORT Approved: ____ <br />CABARRUS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Denied: ____ <br /> Tabled ____ <br />p The applicant must provide a detailed survey that field verifies the <br />location of all perennial streams, lakes, ponds, impoundments, and <br />wetlands on the subject property and within 100 feet of the boundary of <br />the subject property for all proposed plats and site plans. <br /> <br />9.Grading has occurred in the required buffer areas. Gravel and riprap have been <br />placed in the required buffer area. <br />Per Chapter 4 of the Cabarrus County Development Ordinance, Section 4-10 The <br />requirements of the Waterbody Buffer Zone: <br /> <br />p The Waterbody Buffer Zone shall be determined and clearly delineated on <br />site prior to any development or pre-development activity occurring in <br />order to protect the required buffer from encroachment or damage. No <br />development, including soil disturbing activities or grading, shall occur <br />within the established buffer area. <br /> <br />10.A structure is in the required buffer area. <br />11.Grading has occurred in the required buffer area. <br /> <br />12.Gravel and riprap have been placed in the required buffer area. <br />Per Chapter 4 of the Cabarrus County Development Ordinance, Section 4-10 The <br />requirements of the Waterbody Buffer Zone: <br /> <br />All buffer areas shall remain in a natural, vegetated state. If the buffer area is <br />wooded, it shall remain undisturbed. <br />13.The property is subject to Cabarrus County Zoning and Construction Standards <br />permitting. <br />BONA FIDE FARM- The production and activities relating to or incidental to the <br /> production of crops, grains,fruits, vegetables, ornamental and flowering plants, <br /> dairy, livestock, poultry, and all other forms of agriculture as defined in <br /> G.S.106-581.1. <br /> <br /> <br />