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The Board of Commissioners for Cabarrus County met in regular session od <br /> August 4, 1947 at 10 A. M. with the following members Present: J. Lee ~lhite, <br /> Chairman, W. M. Morrison, C. M. Cnowell, H. L. Fink, and Ray W. Cline. <br /> <br /> On motion of Ray ~. Cline, seconded by H~mer L. Fink, it was ordered that <br /> <br /> B. H. Smith's privilege license be renewed. <br /> <br /> On motion of Ray W. Cline,seconded by Homer L. Fink , ~ Rober~ David <br /> <br /> Hinson ~as exempted from payment of poll tax on account of bodily infin reties <br /> <br /> and reimbursement of 1947 poll tax was ordered. <br /> <br /> On motion of Ray W. Cline, seconded by H. L. Fink, it was ordered ~hat <br /> <br /> the State Highws~ and Public Works Csmmission be requested to bmrdsurfa,;e the <br /> <br /> road through Shankletown from Hwy #29A to Poplar Tent Road to Poplar Tent Road. <br /> <br /> On motion of Ray W. Cline, seconded by H. L. Fink, the following a~plicat~s <br /> <br /> to sell beer were approved: ~. C. Goodnight, Frank Sapp, Mrs. H. C. Su~her, ~ <br /> <br /> Hoyt Bailey. <br /> <br /> On motion of R~y ~. Gline~ seconded by Hsmer L. Fink, ~ regulat:.ons <br /> <br /> dra~n hp by Hugh Q. Alexander and John Sh~pe Ha.rtsell as to T~xi Gabs m ~olis <br /> '~ePe approved and ~ Hugh Q. Alexander ~sauthorized to have ~00 copies~:o£ s~ <br /> prepared. <br /> * ~ee Regulations below. ~~ On motion of ~ay W. Cline, seconded by HOmer L. Fink, it was order~,d that <br /> <br /> Ray C. Hoover, Sheriff, be instructed to advertise all property for unP$id~ 194~1947 <br /> taxes for four weeks durin~g the month of August ~nd sell same the firsti~d~:i~ <br /> September according to State Law. <br /> <br /> On ~t~on of Ray W. Cline, seconded by H. L. Fink, J. Lee White, Ci M. Fief, <br /> and C. M. Crowell were authorized to attend the County Comm~_ssioners CoSventio~ <br /> Asheville, and it was ordered that the County ~pay all expenses. <br /> <br /> On motion of Ra~ W. Cline, seconded by H~mer L. Ftn~, an appropria'~ion of $125.00 <br /> per ~onth was made for Frank Swari~en for Deputy Sheriff. <br /> <br />H.B. o. 706 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~MTSS~ON~2~S OF CA S COU~ <br /> TO LICENSE AND EEGUIATE ALL VEHICLES OPERATED FOR HIHE IN UNIN~ORPORA~ ~ <br /> CITIES AND TOWNS IN SAID COUNTY. <br /> <br /> The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: <br /> <br /> Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Cabarrus County are aut]~orized and <br />empowei~d to license and regulatenall' vehicles operated for hiere ~n unincorpor~ted cities <br />and t~s in Cabarrus C_unty; to require that the operator of every Jitney bus ,~r taxicab <br />and ev ,ry other motor v~hicle, (other th~n Jitney busses and taxicabs, operated under ~he <br />Jurisd .ction of the Utilities C_mmission of North~olina), engaged in the busi]~ess of <br /> passengers for hire, over the public streets of such unincorporate~ city cr <br />trans~ ~rting <br />towa s roll furnish and keep in effee~ for each such Jitney bus, taxicab or othes such <br />motor ~ehicle so operated a policy of insurance or surety bond with sureties wh~ se solvency <br />shall ~t all times be subject to the approval of the Board of Coun~ Commis sion, of <br />Cabar~ ~s C unty, not to exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,0OO.OO), an~ to be con- <br />dition ,d o~ such operator responding in damages for any liability incurred on al:count cf <br />any in ~e~y to ~ersons or ~a,~ge to property resulting from the operation of any such jitney <br />bus, t ~icab or other such motor vehicle, and to be filed with the Board of Co~ ~ty ComEtssioners <br />of CabSrrus County as a condition precedent to the operation of any such jitnSy bus,°ta~icab <br />or other such motor vehicle over the streets of such unincorporated city or tow ~. <br /> ~Section 2. That this Act shall apply to Cabarrus CS_u~.ty only. <br /> ISection 3. That all laws and clauses of laws i.n conflict with the provisions of this <br />act ars hereby repealed. ~ <br /> <br /> ISection 4. That this Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />ratification. <br /> I[~ the General Assemby read three times and ratified, this the 28th d~ ~f Mar~$ 1947. <br /> L.Y. Ballentine, President of the Senate. <br /> Thomas J. Pearsall, Spearker of th~ HOuse of Representative <br />Exz~in d and found correct, David P. De]linger, For C ~ittee. <br /> <br /> <br />