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REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE LICENSING AND OPERATION OF VEHICLES OPERATED FOR <br /> HIRE IN EANNPOLIS, NORTH CAROLINA. <br /> <br /> (Passed under authority of House Bill No. 706 of the 1947 Session ~ t h~ <br /> General Assembly of North Carolina) <br /> <br /> DIVISION I - IN GENERAL <br /> <br />Secti¢ n 1. Definitions <br /> <br /> The following words and phrases, when used in these Regulations, shall ave the <br />meant~ g respectively described to them in this section: <br /> (a) Examining Bureau. The Chief of Policer~f Kannapolis, N. C., and th~ three <br />deput~ es whom he shall name from time to time,~he names of which shall be file ~ with <br />the Beard of County CAmmissioners of Cabarrus County, N. C. <br />(b) The Board%f County Commissioners of Cabarrus County, North Ca~li~. ~. Boa 'd. <br />(c)_ Certificate. Certificate of public aonvenience~and necessity issue t by th~ <br />Board of C~ounty Commissioners upon recommendation of the Examining Bureau of ~m anapoli~., <br />N. C., licensing the operation of a taxicab or taxicabs. <br /> (d) Cruising. The movement ~of unoccupied taxicabs over the public str~ ~ts or <br />roads in search of or soliciting prospective passengers for hire. <br /> (e) Memorandum certificate. The card issued to a taxicab indicating t~ ~t such <br />taxicab has been granted a certificate. <br /> (f) Driver. A~y person who drives a taxicab. <br /> (g) Owner. Any person to whom a certificate has been issued. <br /> (h) Person. A~y individual, partnership, association, corporation, or o~her <br />organization owning or operating or proposing to operate any taxicab or taxica] <br />with1, the Town of Kannapolis, N. C <br /> (i) Taxicab. The term "taxicab" shall mean and include any motor vehic seati~ g <br />nine fewer passengers and the driver operating upon a~y road or street in Kaanapoli , <br />N. C., on call or demand, accepting or soliciting passengers for hire; and shal~ not <br />apply ~o any vehicle carrying the same passengers to and from work in the mi11~ daily, <br />nor sE ~1 it apply to vehicles which a re operated under authority of the Utilities <br />C~mmis ~ion of North Ca~ lina. <br /> (J) Kannapolis, The business district and all residential sections whi, ~re <br />geners ~ly regarded as being a part of said town. <br />Sectioi~ 2. Depot or terminal required. · <br /> Ail taxicabs which are operated within Ka~napolis, N. C , shall have a ~pot <br />or terminal on private property, and shall not be permitted to'use the streets ~r read~ <br />except for the purpose of transporting, loading or unloading of passengers or t ~eir <br />baggag ~. <br />Sec t~o'~ 3. Liability insurance or surety bond required. <br /> Every person operating taxicabs or motor vehicles for hire in Kannapolis shall <br />carry 4lability insurance on each cab or motor vehicle to be operated by them i ~ an <br />amount to be fixed by the Board, or post a surety bond covering each cab or mot,~r vehicle <br />in suc~ amount, with sureties whose soIvency shall at all times be subject to tl~e <br />approval of t~e Board, such insurance or its equivalent to be filed with the Bo~rd. <br />Sectio'.~ 4. Liability covered in policy. <br /> The policy of liability insurance or surety bond required by section 3 ~f thes, <br />Regulations shall be not less than the following amounts: <br /> $10,000.00 for injury to one or more than one person in one accident. <br /> $5,000.00 for property ~m~ge ~ one accident. <br />Sectio.~ 5. Same. Cancellation clause, Examining Bureau to be notified. <br /> Each policy of litability insurance or surety bond~quired by section 3 ~f thes~ <br />Regula ,ions shall p~ovided that the same shall not be canceLled without first g .ving <br />five d ~ys' notice of such proposed cancellation, which notice shall be given to the <br />Examin ~g Bureau of Kannapolis, N. C. <br />Sectio: ~ 6. Peaa~ty: <br /> Any person, owner or driver who violates ar~ of the provisions of th~ee ~gulat~ ~ns <br />shall ~e ~uilty of a misdemeanor and puhished as provided by law. I~n the event the <br />violator of these Regulations is a corporation, the officer, agent, ~r employee~ therec <br />shall ~iolate or procure, or who shall aid or abet in any violation of any of ti e provisions <br />of the~e Regulations or who shall permit the operation of an~ taxicab contrary ~ o the <br />requirements hereof, shall be subject to the same penalities as if he were oper~ ting <br />person$11~v such taxicab at the time such violations were committed. Upon being convicted <br />of a v%olation of any of the provisions of these Regulations the Ewam!ning Bure~ u may <br />suspen$ or revoke an~ c ertificare or certificates and the's permit held y such <br />person luntil the date of the next regular meeting of the Board, at which time, he Boar. <br />may ta~e such action as it may deem necessary. Each d~ during which m y provis on of tl ese <br />Regula}ions ~ violated shall consitute a separate offense. <br /> IDIVISI~ II - Certificate of Public Convenience <br />Sectio~ 7. Required. <br /> No person shall operate a taxicab within Kannapolis without first having obtainei <br />a Cert~.ficate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the Board authorizing su~ h opera'~ion. <br />Sectio~ 8. Form of applmcation. <br /> Ail persons applying to the Board for a certificate for the operation of one or <br />more t~xicabs shall file in duplicate wits the Examining Bureau a sworn application the.~efor, <br />on fo~m provided by the Board stating as follows: ~pplication for Taxicab Franchise <br /> To the~xamtning Bureau of Kannapolis, N. C., and The Board of Csunty C~mmtssion.~rs <br />of Cab~ rrus Cpunty, N. C.: <br /> <br /> <br />