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The undersigned hereby makes application for a taxicab franchise under ttLe <br />provis .ons of H~use Bill N1. 706 of the 1947 Session of the General Assembly of North <br />CarolS' ~a, and presents to the Examining Bureau and the Board the folliwng info, ration: <br /> .1. The the ~pplicant is familiar with the Regulations G~verning the LicE.nsing <br />and Op..ration of Ail Vehicles Operated for Hire in Kannapolis,N. C. <br /> 2. That the Individual, C rporate or Trade Name and baeLness address of !the <br />Applic mt is: <br /> <br /> Name Address <br /> <br /> 13. That the Applicant is: <br /> I(a) An individual and sole owner of the taxicab business to be operated ~der the <br />above Samed. <br /> I(b) A Corporation orga$i~ed and exising under the laws of the State of N~,rth <br />CaroliSa in the year _ ,and the the off,ers of said corporation and their ad(~esses <br />are as follows: <br /> <br /> I(c) A Partnership (attach hereto a copy of the partnership agreement, a~Ld list <br />the n~s and business addresses of the partners). <br /> <br /> (e) That applicant is requesting franchise to operate (number! taxic~s. <br /> ~d) That applicant operates in the following cities and towns: <br /> <br /> (f) That in support of this application there is attached hereto and macLe a part <br />hereof the following exhibits: <br /> ~Exhibit A. A full statement of facts (not arguments or conclusions), if <br />supper ~ed by substantial testimony at the hearing, will support a finding of put,lic con- <br />venien :e and necessity for this operation. A <br /> Exhibit B. A complete list of the Applicant's motor equipment showing y~,ar, model <br />and ca: .rying capacity of each unit. <br /> Exhibit C. Financial Statement showing assets, liabilities, and net wort.h of <br />Applic ~et. <br /> Exhibit D. Statement showing Applicant has cooperated fully with all la~s and ~les <br />in reg. ~rd to taxicabs. <br /> Exhibit E. Statement of experience of Applicant in conducting taxicab b~Lsiness,i <br /> -- ~ignature of Applicant <br />Subscr ~bed and sworn to before, me, this the ~ day of 19 66. <br /> .... Notary Public <br />Approv ,d: <br />Examin mg Bureau. By ~-- <br /> <br />Sectiol 9. C~nsideration of A~plication. <br /> <br /> No certificate shall be granted until the same shall have been approved t~ the <br />Examin .ng Bureau and until the Board shall have, after hearing, declared by res¢,lution <br />that p ~blicconvenience and necessity require the proposed taxicab service. <br /> I~ determining whether public convenience and necessity require the operation of <br />a taxi :ab or taxicabs for which application for a certificate or certificates i~ made, <br />board shall co.nsidAr and investigate whether the demand of the public requires~additio~al <br />tax_ica', service, the adequacy of existing mass transportation and taxicab servi~e, the <br />financ .al responsibility andecperience of the applicant; the number, kind and t.~e of equip- <br />merit; '~he effect which such additional taxicab service may have upon traffic co~gestion <br />and pa'. 'king; and suc~ other relevant facts as the Board may deem advisable or ~,cessar~. <br />Sectio~ 10. Granting of Certificate - Conditions. · <br /> <br /> IHaving declared that public convenience and necessity require the propos~,d taxicab <br />servic~ and that the applicant is a suitable person for performing such service., the Board <br />shall ~rant to every person who shall have filed application therefor as herein provided, <br />a certificate of public convenience and necessity for such taxicab or taxicabs, subject <br />to suc ~ conditions as the Board may deem that public convenience and necessity require, <br />provid ,d: <br /> (A~ That the owner thereof shall have complied with all the provisions oJ these <br />regulai~ions. <br /> (b) That the court record of the applicant is not such as would make it Sgain the <br />public interest for such application to be granted. <br />Sectio~ 11. Expiration. <br /> Ail certificates shall expire on December 31st of the year during which such <br />certif:'.cates was granted. <br />Sectio~ 12. Renewal. <br /> Upon application, prior to the termination of each calendar year, the Bo~rd may <br />renew ~y certificate, or cause a new certificate to be issued for the ensuing ~ear, <br />in the absence of amy contrary evidence and findihg of the Board regarding the ~ontinue~ <br />necess~.ty for such taxicab service. ' <br />Sectio~ 13. Issuance and display of memorandum certificate. ~ <br /> For each taxicab for which a certificate h~s been granted a memorandum c~rtifica ~e <br />shall ~,e issued by the Board, in such form as prescribed by the Board, such memorandum <br />certif.~.cate to be displayed at aL1 times in a conspicuous place in the taxicab flor whic <br />it was issued. <br />Sectiox~ 14__ Owners operating on August l, 1947. <br /> Every <br /> owner operating alicensed taxicab or taxic~abs in Kann~polis, N. C.: on <br />Augus% l, 1947, shall be presumed, in the absence of Contrary evidence and fining by <br />the Bo~rd, to have established prima ~acie evidence of~the public necessity and conveni ~nce. <br /> <br /> <br />