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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />March ::[8, Z999 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Mr. Mervin said currently the people that are moving in out there <br />are going to either Concord Middle School or Mt. Pleasant Middle <br />School. He said currently it does not have an adverse affect to <br />].N. Fries because they are not allowed to go to ].N. Fries. <br /> <br />Mr. Dwiggins said to the Chair that this project appears to meet <br />all the .requirements of the ordinance with the exception of the <br />Adequate Facilities Ordinance relating to the' schools. He said he <br />does not think the Board can set here and make an approval <br />based on what may happen in the future. Mr. Dwiggins said it <br />would be his thought to pass this on to the County <br />Commissioners. Mr. Dwiggins IVlOTIO,NED to deny Porters <br />Landing - Phase 5 & 6, seconded by Hr. Starnes. <br /> <br />The Chair said the Notion is to refer Porters Landing - Phase 5 & 6 <br />to the County Commissioners with the comment that it does meet <br />all the planning and zoning requirements. The Chair said we have <br />school problems that the Commissioners need to address. <br /> <br />The vote was unanimous to deny Porters Landing - Phase 5 & 6. <br /> <br />Director's Report <br /> <br />MrI Marshall said Mr. Tom Kale's subdivision Stallings Glen - Phase ]:V went <br />before the Commissioners and Hr. Kale agreed to pay $500.00 per unit towards <br />either purchasin§ of a school site or construction of schools that would be <br />affected by this subdivision. Hr. Kale's subdivision was approved based on that. <br /> <br />Hr. IVlarshall said he have a draft just about ready to go to Fletcher Hartsell. ]:t is <br />a consent agreement that would basically set up an escrow. <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall said Concord Mills had to destroy some wetlands as part of their <br />development and as a result, in their mitigation plan, they are required to <br />preserve or replace some wetlands. He said Concord Hills was required to <br />mitigate their wetlands by having ConcOrd grant the County conservation <br />easement, which the County agreed to accept, and Concord Mills in term will be <br />performin§ some work there to help bdn§ the stream back to more of it's natural <br />state. Hr. Marshall said the County will now be the holder of a conservation <br />easement in the Rocky River Basin, which is actually a piece of a much larger <br />issue, that the staff has been working on. <br /> <br /> <br />