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CABARRUS COUNTY TOURISM AUTHORITY Exhibit 2 <br /> d/bla Cabarrus County Convention and Visitors Bureau <br /> STATEMENT OFACTIVITIES <br /> Year Ended June 30,2016 <br /> Program Revenues <br /> Net(Expense) <br /> Operating Revenues and <br /> Grants and Changes in Net <br /> Functions/Programs Expenses Program Fees Contributions Position <br /> Economic and physical development $ 4,584,546 $ 7,127 $ 5,343,668 $ 766,249 <br /> Total $ 4,584,546 $ 7,127 $ 5,343,668 766,249 <br /> General revenues: <br /> Advertising fees 36,280 <br /> Miscellaneous 11,661 <br /> Donated asset 42,490 <br /> Investment earnings, unrestricted 3,202 <br /> Change in net position 859,882 <br /> Net Position -beginning-previously reported 2,814,157 <br /> Restatement (135,633) <br /> Net Position -beginning-as restated 2,678,524 <br /> Net Position-ending $ 3,538,406 <br /> The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. <br /> 13 <br /> Attachment number 1 \n <br /> 1-5 Page 156 <br />