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CABARRUS COUNTY TOURISMA UTHORITY Exhibit 3 <br /> d/b/a/Cabarrus County Convention and Visitors Bureau <br /> BALANCE SHEET- GOVERNMENTAL FUND <br /> June 30,2016 <br /> Major Funds <br /> Tourism Total <br /> Capital Governmental <br /> General Fund Reserve Fund Funds <br /> ASSETS <br /> Current Assets: <br /> Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,439,110 $ 1,621,041 $ 3,060,151 <br /> Due from County 433,784 - 433,784 <br /> Accounts receivable-other 17,710 - 17,710 <br /> Total Current Assets 1,890,604 1,621,041 3,511,645 <br /> Total Assets $ 1,890,604 $ 1,621,041 $ 3,511,645 <br /> LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE <br /> Current Liabilities: <br /> Accounts payable $ 29,058 $ - $ 29,058 <br /> Accrued liabilities 82,260 - 82,260 <br /> Total Current Liabilities 111,318 - 111,318 <br /> Total Liabilities 111,318 - 111,318 <br /> Fund Balance: <br /> Committed For: <br /> Sports Development 176,890 - 176,890 <br /> Tourism Capital Reserves - 1,621,041 1,621,041 <br /> Unassigned 1,602,396 - 1,602,396 <br /> Total Fund Balance 1,779,286 1,621,041 3,400,327 <br /> Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 1,890,604 $ 1,621,041 $ 3,511,645 <br /> Amounts reported for governmental activities in the <br /> statement of net position are different because: <br /> Ending fund balance-governmental funds $ 3,400,327 <br /> Capital assets are not capitalized and are <br /> expensed in the funds. 242,247 <br /> Deferred outflows of resources related to pensions 79,199 <br /> Net pension liability (83,701) <br /> Deferred inflows of resources related to pensions (48,730) <br /> Liabilities for compensated absences are not <br /> reported in the funds. (50,936) <br /> Net position of the governmental activities $ 3,538,406 <br /> The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. <br /> 14 <br /> Attachment number 1 \n <br /> 1-5 Page 157 <br />