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of any kind or nature attributabic to or arising out of the actions or failure to act of <br /> Tenant, its officers, directors, employees, customers or invitees. <br /> 16. Casualty. If the Premises are damaged by fire or ether casualty, Lessor shall, <br /> witltut sixty (60) business days of such casualty, notify Tenant (the "Lessor's Notice") <br /> whether or not in the reasonable determination of Lessor, the damage can be repaired <br /> within one hundred and eighty (180) days of such notice (the `.'Restoration Period"). If <br /> repairs and restoration cannot be completed within the Restoration Period eitlier party <br /> may, at its option, within ninety (90) days of receipt of the Lessor's Notice, terminate <br /> this Lease effective as of the date of the other party's receipt of such notice of <br /> termination. Tenant shall be afforded a reasonable period of time (not to exceed 60 <br /> days) to vacate rite Premises. If the repairs and restoration can be accomplished within <br /> the Restoration Period, or if the repairs cannot be done within the Restoration Period <br /> and neither party chooses to terminate this Lease, Lessor shall, within sixty (60) days <br /> after the date of Lessor's Notice, commence the repairs and restoration and proceed <br /> with all due diligence to restore the Premises to substantially the same condition in <br /> which it was immediately prior to the happening of the casualty. As soon after Lessor <br /> commences the repairs and restoration as is practical, Tenant shall commence and <br /> pursue to completion'the repair and restoration or replacement of Tenant's fixtures and <br /> personal property. Each party shall proceed with their respective work in a timely and <br /> diligent manner using the same or better quality materials as existing prior to the <br /> casualty, and they shall use their best efforts not to interfere with, annoy or <br /> inconvenience the other party. In the event Lessor fails to deliver to Tenant a Lessor's <br /> Notice within the required sixty (60) business day period as to whether or not the <br /> damage can be repaired within the Restoration Period, Tenant shall have the right any <br /> time after the expi ation of the sixty (GO) business day notice period to terminate this <br /> Lease as of the date of the casualty. <br /> 17. Condemnation. If(i) all or a substantial portion of the Premises, and/or (ii) so <br /> much of the parking area, means of access such that the remaining portion(s) materially <br /> and adversely affect Tenant's use, is taken for any public or quasi-public use by right of <br /> eminent domain or otherwise (including a sale in lieu of condemnation), such that <br /> Tenant can no longer conduct its business at the Premises on a reasonable and prudent <br /> basis, Tenant may terminate this Lease by giving written. notice of termination to <br /> Lessor within ninety (90) clays after such taking. In such event, this Lease shall <br /> terminate as of the date of such taking. Tenant shall be afforded a reasonable period of <br /> time (not to exceed sixty (60) days) to vacate the Premises. All proceeds from any <br /> taking or condemnation of the Premises shall belong to and be paid to Lessor. Nothing <br /> contained herein, however, shall prevent Tenant from seeking a separate award from <br /> the condemning authority for any loss of`T'enant's personal property and equipment, <br /> moving expenses, leasehold interests, or other losses relating to Tenant's business so <br /> long as such separate award shall not result in a reduction of proceeds payable to <br /> Lessor. <br /> 18. Force Majeure. If either Lessor or Tenant is delayed or prevented from <br /> completing the performance of any obligation under this Lease by reason of accident, <br /> Attachment number 1 \n <br /> F-4 Page 66 <br />