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Community Meetings <br /> Two public meetings were held during the planning process. The first meeting,held on June 22,2016,summarized <br /> the major issues and opportunities, and included initial land use plan ideas. Attendees provided feedback and shared <br /> ideas that were used to formulate a more details future land use vision. On September 6,2016,the second meeting <br /> was held to present the draft future land use plan as well as preliminary policy recommendations.Input received help <br /> refine the Future Land Use Plan map and guided the formulation of implementation strategies to support the policy <br /> recommendations. <br /> Community Survey <br /> A qualitative survey was made available on the Town's website to gather input to supplement the ideas and concerns <br /> raised at the first community meeting. A total of 176 people responded to the survey. The open-ended responses <br /> indicated a preference for little or no development,which seemed to be stemming from concerns about school <br /> overcrowding,traffic,and loss of green space. The responses also revealed that,if the area is to develop,there is a <br /> strong preference for restaurants,shopping,and recreation throughout the area.There is support for more business, <br /> industrial,and office uses along and south of NC-49. Also,more than 50%of respondents strongly agreed that <br /> greenway trail development should be a priority for recreation and transportation. <br /> A copy of the survey questions and responses are available through the Town's Planning and Zoning Department <br /> upon request. <br /> "currently underutilized" "more restaurants and <br /> shops" "we should be focused on <br /> Xigh rofessional <br /> services" "hi h density lresidential if end" "n <br /> ee <br /> d <br /> more business" "sim ar to Afton Village" "family- <br /> oriented activities" "too rural" "business <br /> development is needed" "need greenways" "think <br /> restaurants, shops, entertainment" <br /> "undeveloped. . .provides no use" "balanced <br /> approach" "taxes generated could be used to better <br /> the community" "some housin " "u scale" "could <br /> use a lot of development to make it more appealing" <br /> p <br /> Appendices171 <br /> Attachment number 2\n <br /> G-2 Page 213 <br />