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August 21, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> 3 Year Net Revenue $110,250.00 <br /> Chairman Morris opened the Public Hearing at 7:01 p.m. The Public Hearing <br /> Notice was published on the County's website (www.cabarrus on July <br /> 20, 2017 in accordance with Article 2, Administration, Section 2.1 (Use of <br /> Electronic Means to Provide Public Notices) of the Cabarrus County Code of <br /> Ordinances. <br /> There was no one present to address the Board; therefore, Chairman Morris <br /> closed the public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Shue MOVED to approve the economic development investment <br /> agreement (3 years, 85 percent) between Project Hercules II and Cabarrus County, <br /> and to authorize the County Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the <br /> Board, subject to review or revision by the County Attorney. Vice Chairman <br /> Honeycutt seconded the motion. <br /> Following a brief discussion, the MOTION unanimously carried. <br /> (G-2) Planning and Development Department - Proposed Text Amendment to Chapter <br /> 7 TEXT2017-00005 - Public Hearing 6:30 p.m. <br /> Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning Manager requested proposed text <br /> amendments to the Cabarrus County Development Ordinance. The proposed changes <br /> relate to the following: <br /> TEXT2017-00005 Chapter 7, Performance Based Standards, #2, Accessory <br /> Building, Accessory Dwelling and Swimming Pools Accessory to Single Family <br /> Residential. The proposed change is to remove the percent of accessory <br /> structures allowed based on lot size. <br /> Chairman Morris opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. The Public Hearing <br /> Notice was published on August 9 and 16, 2017 in The Independent Tribune. The <br /> Public Hearing Notice was also posted on the County's website <br /> (www.cabarrus on August 9, 2017 in accordance with Article 2, <br /> Administration, Section 2.1 (Use of Electronic Means to Provide Public Notices) <br /> of the Cabarrus County Code of Ordinances. <br /> There was no one present to address the Board; therefore, Chairman Morris <br /> closed the public hearing. <br /> UPON MOTION by Vice Chairman Honeycutt, seconded by Commissioner Kiger <br /> and unanimously carried, the Board adopted proposed text amendment TEXT2017- <br /> 00005. <br /> Ordinance No. 2017-55 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CABARRUS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE <br /> TEXT2017-00005 <br /> BE IT ORDAINED that the Cabarrus Development Ordinance is hereby amended as <br /> follows: <br /> AMEND CHAPTER 7, PERFORMANCE BASED STANDARDS, #2 ACCESSORY BUILDING, ACCESSORY <br /> DWELLING AND SWIMMING POOLS ACCESSORY TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Accessory building on lots less than 2 acres <br /> a. The tvtiir SquaTe ____--g_ -_- all c?eee•S-S6Ey building --'TtpElntS eii--crlet <br /> shall net—emeeed3 Pe c } e£ tire—tetal let aEea. Emee tl-n - a44 4:e <br /> Shallb�e - -'..-thee at least 699 �3 -mo ic <br /> t ef ---ssey budmidd:ng- . <br /> � �y- <br /> b. Accessory buildings shall not be located closer to an adjacent road than <br /> the principal structure. Exception - Double frontage lots may place an <br /> accessory building to the rear of the principal structure so long as the <br /> principal building setback is met along the property lines adjacent to <br /> the street. <br /> c. Accessory buildings up to 15 feet in height shall meet the front and side <br /> setback requirements of the principal structure. The rear setback shall <br /> be no less than five (5) feet. Buildings greater than 15 feet in height <br /> shall meet the principal building setbacks listed in Chapter 5. <br /> d. Accessory buildings shall be subject to all other dimensional, impermeable <br /> and structural coverage requirements listed in Chapter 5. <br /> A-1 Page 42 <br />