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August 21, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> Accessory buildings on lots 2 acres or greater <br /> a. The tazir SquaTe -___--g_ -_- all aaa•e-S-SaEy ----------_ff __"tpE!RtS eii--crlet <br /> shall net eiEeeed 2 p---=nt of the tetal area. EiEeep t=--=- all lets sh <br /> be peinfaitted at least 2, 699 sefu rfeet ef aeeesseiny buildings. <br /> b. Accessory buildings shall not be located closer to an adjacent road than <br /> the principal structure or shall be located at least 100 feet from a the <br /> road right of way, whichever is less. Exception - double frontage lots <br /> may place an accessory building to the rear of the principal structure so <br /> long as the principal building setback is met along the property lines <br /> adjacent to the street. <br /> C. Accessory buildings up to 15 feet in height shall meet the front and side <br /> setback requirements of the principal structure. The rear setbacks shall <br /> be no less than five (5) feet. Accessory structures greater than fifteen <br /> (15) feet in height shall meet the setback requirements of the principal <br /> structure. <br /> d. Accessory buildings shall be subject to all other dimensional, impermeable <br /> and structural coverage requirements listed in Chapter 5. <br /> BE IT ALSO ORDAINED that the Cabarrus County Development Ordinance is hereby <br /> amended as follows: <br /> RENUMBER AND REVISE the Table of Contents and page numbers in the Cabarrus <br /> County Development Ordinance to correspond to the text changes as needed. <br /> Adopted this 21s' day of August 2017 by the Cabarrus County Board of <br /> Commissioners. <br /> /s/ Stephen M. Morris <br /> Stephen M. Morris, Chairman <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br /> ATTEST: <br /> /s/ Angela Poplin <br /> Angela Poplin, Interim Clerk to the Board <br /> (G-3) Planning and Development Department - Proposed Text Amendment to Chapter <br /> 4 TEXT2017-00006 - Public Hearing 6:30 p.m. <br /> Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning Manager, requested proposed text <br /> amendments to Chapter 4, Overlay Districts and Zones. The proposed changes are <br /> related to development in the watershed and allow for additional flexibility <br /> for lots located in the watershed, including existing non-conforming lots. It <br /> also clarifies standards for non-residential development. The proposed changes <br /> will provide improved consistency for impervious coverage reference by using <br /> the zoning district for permitting as the standard. <br /> Chairman Morris opened the public hearing at 7:06 p.m. The Public Hearing <br /> Notice was published on August 9 and 16, 2017 in The Independent Tribune. The <br /> Public Hearing Notice was also posted on the County's website <br /> (www.cabarrus on August 9, 2017 in accordance with Article 2, <br /> Administration, Section 2.1 (Use of Electronic Means to Provide Public Notices) <br /> of the Cabarrus County Code of Ordinances. <br /> There was no one present to address the Board; therefore, Chairman Morris <br /> closed the public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Kiger MOVED to adopt proposed text amendment TEXT2017-00006. <br /> Commissioner Shue seconded the motion. <br /> Chairman Morris expressed support for the proposed text amendment. <br /> The MOTION unanimously carried. <br /> Ordinance No. 2017-56 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CABARRUS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE <br /> TEXT2017-00006 <br /> BE IT ORDAINED that the Cabarrus Development Ordinance is hereby amended as <br /> follows: <br /> Section 4-4 Requirements for all lots in the Coddle Creek and Dutch Buffalo <br /> Watersheds <br /> A-1 Page 43 <br />