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October 16, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> Stephen M. Morris, Chairman <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> (C-4) BOC - Red Ribbon Week 2017 Proclamation <br /> Chairman Morris read the proclamation aloud. <br /> UPON MOTION by Commissioner Kiger seconded by Commissioner Shue and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board adopted the Red Ribbon 2017 Proclamation. <br /> Proclamation No. 2017-13 <br /> RED RIBBON 2017 PROCLAMATION <br /> WHEREAS, communities across America have been plagued by the numerous problems <br /> associated with illicit drug use and those that traffic in them; and <br /> WHEREAS, there is hope in winning the war on drugs, and that hope lies in <br /> education and drug demand reduction, coupled with the hard work and <br /> determination of organizations such as the Mecklenburg County Young <br /> Marines of the Marine Corps League to foster a healthy, drug-free <br /> lifestyle; and <br /> WHEREAS, governments and community leaders know that citizen support is one of <br /> the most effective tools in the effort to reduce the use of illicit <br /> drugs in our communities; and <br /> WHEREAS, the red ribbon has been chosen as a symbol Commemorating the work of <br /> Enriqu6 "Kiki" Camarena, a Drug Enforcement Administration Special <br /> Agent who was murdered in the line of duty, and represents the belief <br /> that one person can make a difference; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Red Ribbon Campaign was established by Congress in 1988 to <br /> encourage a drug-free lifestyle and involvement in drug prevention and <br /> reduction efforts; and <br /> WHEREAS, October 23-31 has been designated National Red Ribbon Week, which <br /> encourages Americans to wear a red ribbon to show their support for a <br /> drug-free environment; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners, <br /> do hereby proclaim October 23-31 as RED RIBBON WEEK in Cabarrus County, and <br /> urges all citizens to join in this special observance. <br /> ADOPTED this 16th day of October 2017. <br /> /s/ Stephen M. Morris <br /> Stephen M. Morris, Chairman <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br /> (C-5) BOC - Veterans Day Proclamation <br /> Jay Wood, Veterans Services Director and Retired Air Force Lieutenant <br /> Colonel read the proclamation aloud. <br /> UPON MOTION by Vice Chairman Honeycutt seconded by Commissioner Shue and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board adopted the Veterans Day 2017 Proclamation. <br /> Proclamation No. 2017-14 <br /> Veterans Day 2017 Proclamation <br /> WHEREAS, America was founded on the principles of liberty, opportunity and <br /> justice for all; and <br /> WHEREAS, America has called on her men and women in uniform to protect our <br /> national security, to preserve our rights and freedoms and to keep our <br /> democracy safe; and <br /> WHEREAS, through their steadfast defense of America's ideals, our service <br /> members have ensured our country still stands strong, our founding <br /> principles still shine, and nations around the world know the blessings <br /> of freedom; and <br /> WHEREAS, on Veterans Day November 11, 2017, we recognize the men and women of <br /> our Armed Forces who valiantly defended these values throughout our <br /> A-1 Page 90 <br />