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October 16, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> Nation's History; and <br /> WHEREAS, we also remember and pay tribute to the American armed forces whose <br /> courage and sacrifice secures our freedom and keeps the peace and <br /> defends our values around the world; and <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br /> do hereby proclaim November 11, 2017 as National Veterans Day and call upon our <br /> citizens to always remember and honor our veterans, and those who continue to <br /> serve this country so willingly to preserve the principles of justice, freedom <br /> and democracy for all. <br /> ADOPTED this 16th day of October 2017. <br /> /s/ Stephen M. Morris <br /> Stephen M. Morris, Chairman <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br /> (C-6) DHS - National Family Caregivers Month Proclamation <br /> Chairman Morris announced the Cabarrus County Department of Human Services <br /> is requesting the Board of Commissioners to declare November 2017 as National <br /> Family Caregivers Month in Cabarrus County. Through the Family Caregivers <br /> Support Program, Cabarrus County DHS supports caregivers by providing care <br /> management services, respite services, information and referral, and training <br /> through Powerful Tools for Caregivers. <br /> Chairman Morris read the proclamation aloud. <br /> UPON MOTION by Commissioner Kiger seconded by Vice Chairman Honeycutt and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board adopted the National Family Caregivers Month <br /> Proclamation 2017. <br /> Proclamation No. 2017-15 <br /> NATIONAL FAMILY CAREGIVERS MONTH PROCLAMATION 2017 <br /> WHEREAS, over 90 million Americans today are family caregivers for their loved <br /> ones; and <br /> WHEREAS, a large number of them are finding themselves providing care 24-hours <br /> a day/7-days a week; and <br /> WHEREAS, although caregiving can be a rewarding experience, it is not without <br /> its consequences such as stress, poor health, and caregiver burnout; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, six out of 10 family caregivers juggle everyday life tasks such as <br /> preparing the children for school, managing household <br /> responsibilities, and work full- or part-time. Whether it be for a <br /> senior with Alzheimer's or a child with special needs the required <br /> attention can be non-stop; and <br /> WHEREAS, caregiving affects the whole family. Family time and mealtime are <br /> extremely important in the caregiving setting. Ensuring that the <br /> caregiver and family members get the proper nutrition is important for <br /> maintaining strength, energy, stamina, and a positive attitude; and <br /> WHEREAS, making time for yourself and the family protects a family caregiver's <br /> own health, strengthens family relationships, prevents burnout and can <br /> enable a care recipient to stay at home up to three times longer. The <br /> chance to take a breather and re-energize is vital in order for you to <br /> be as good a caregiver tomorrow as you were today; and <br /> WHEREAS, with the responsibility of family caregivers in our country growing <br /> every year, it is even more essential to encourage these heroes to <br /> take some time for respite so they may continue their mission of <br /> providing that loving care that only they can provide. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br /> do hereby recognize November 2017 as National Family Caregivers Month with the <br /> theme "Caregiving Around the Clock" in Cabarrus County and urge all citizens to <br /> join in this observance. <br /> ADOPTED this 16th day of October 2017. <br /> A-1 Page 91 <br />