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AG 2015 03 16
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AG 2015 03 16
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3/17/2015 10:55:01 AM
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11/27/2017 10:37:15 AM
Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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ment shows. In connection with its activities under this Agreement, including without limitation <br />advertising relating to the Facility, SMG shall be permitted to use the terms "Cabarrus Arena and <br />Events Center" and logos for such names in its advertising, subject to the approval of the County. <br />(1) Market and secure new commercial rights sales for the Facility. <br />(m) In consultation with the County, evaluate and adjust the operational struc- <br />ture of the Facility as needed. <br />(n) In consultation with the County, evaluate, and attempt to adhere to con- <br />temporary, community standards in respect to all events scheduled. <br />(o) As set forth herein, submit all financial and other reports detailing SMG's <br />activities regarding the Facility to the County in a timely manner. <br />(p) Prepare and submit proposed budgets and annual plans as further provided <br />herein. <br />(q) All activities of a corporate nature, including management and marketing <br />activities regarding the Facility occurring at SMG's corporate headquarters in Pennsylvania or <br />other locations, and all costs of travel to or from the Facility by SMG's employees or agents who <br />are not regularly employed at the Facility. <br />(r) Assist with the marketing, promotion and operation of the Fair as further <br />provided herein. <br />2.4 Right of Entry Reserved <br />Representatives of the County designated in writing by the Contract Administra- <br />tor shall have the right, upon reasonable advance notice to SMG and at appropriate times, to en- <br />ter all portions of the Facility to inspect same, to observe the performance of SMG of its obliga- <br />tions under this Agreement, to install, remove, adjust, repair, replace or otherwise handle any <br />equipment, utility lines, or other matters in, on, or about the premises, or to do any act or thing <br />which the County may be obligated or have the right to do under this Agreement or otherwise. <br />Nothing contained in this Section is intended or shall be construed to limit any other rights of the <br />County under this Agreement. The County shall not unreasonably interfere with the activities of <br />SMG hereunder, and the County's actions shall be conducted such that disruption of SMG's <br />work shall be kept to a minimum. Nothing in this Section shall impose or be construed to im- <br />pose upon the County any independent obligation to inspect, construct or maintain or make re- <br />pairs, replacements, alterations, additions or improvements or create any independent liability for <br />any failure to do so. <br />pdfconvert. 9450 .1.cabarrus_agreement_2015.doc <br />8 <br />F -1 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 88 <br />
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