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F. Sheriff's Department personnel are not authorized access to the EOC area unless they have <br />duty requirements there. <br />G. When the Emergency Management Coordinator declares the EOC closed, all personnel sign <br />out and turn in access badges at the main desk. A representative from Emergency <br />Management collects the sign -in roster and the access badges after the EOC closes. <br />IV. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES <br />A. Emergency Management Department <br />1. Establish and maintain a roster of all personnel authorized access to the EOC. <br />2. Develop EOC access badge for both authorized personnel and visitors. Maintain these <br />badges in the Emergency Management Department and provide them to the officers on <br />duty at the main entrance to the Sheriff's Department. Collect these badges from the duty <br />officer upon closure of the EOC. <br />3. Develop and issue sign -in roster with the access badges. Collect the roster upon closure <br />of the EOC and maintain it with the after - action review notes for the operation. <br />4. Sign in and escort all visitors to the EOC. Assist the duty officer at the desk in <br />determining individual visitor access to the EOC. Sign out all visitors at the duty officer's <br />desk. <br />5. Stay alert for unauthorized visitors in the EOC area. Detain the individual and report the <br />problem. Call Sheriff s Department officers for assistance, if necessary. <br />B. Sheriff s Department <br />1. Provide local security and access control for the EOC area. <br />2. Upon EOC activation, secure all entryways without electronic coded locks and direct foot <br />traffic to the Corbin Avenue entrance. <br />3. Screen all people seeking access to the EOC area. Authorized personnel are listed on the <br />access roster and have an EOC access badge. Sign all authorized personnel and visitors <br />into and out of the EOC area. Ensure that visitors are escorted to the EOC area if <br />necessary. Retain the badge of all personnel and visitors who are leaving. If there is a <br />question on access, call the Shift Leader in the EOC for clarification. <br />4. Stay alert for unauthorized visitors in the EOC area. All personnel not from the Sheriffs <br />Department in the EOC area must display an access badge. If the individual does not <br />have an access badge, detain him and escort them from the area. Assist EOC personnel <br />removing unauthorized visitors. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex A <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F -6 Page 218 <br />