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ATTACHMENT E <br />SECURITY AND PERSONNEL ACCESS <br />I. PURPOSE <br />This attachment establishes the procedures to secure the Cabarrus County Emergency Operations <br />Center (EOC) when activated and the procedures for personnel access to the facility. <br />II. SCOPE <br />To provide information on EOC physical security and control of personnel access into the EOC. <br />This attachment assigns the responsibilities for these tasks. These procedures apply to all County <br />personnel and other individuals assigned to the EOC. <br />III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS <br />A. The County EOC is located in Room E611 on the sixth floor of the Sheriff's Department, <br />adjacent to the offices of the Emergency Management Department. Only authorized <br />personnel are permitted access to the EOC. The Sheriff's Department provides local security <br />for the EOC and control access to the EOC area. The Emergency Management Department <br />maintains access rosters of EOC personnel and access badges, which are provided to the <br />Sheriff s Department upon activation of the EOC. <br />B. The EOC has two levels of activation: partial and full. The procedures for securing the EOC <br />are the same for both levels. The EOC area is defined as the EOC, the adjacent hallways, and <br />offices. All personnel enter the EOC through the EOC Lobby, Room E601. <br />C. Upon activation of the EOC, the officers on duty at the main entrance to the Sheriff's <br />Department do not allow anyone into the EOC area unless they are on the access roster and <br />have the proper EOC access badge. An Emergency Management representative provides the <br />Sheriff s Department officers with an access control roster, a sign -in sheet, and the access <br />badges. All EOC personnel sign in and out of the EOC area and must wear the access badge <br />at a readily visible point on the front of outer clothing. Personnel departing the EOC area turn <br />in their badge, which is returned to them upon return and sign -in. Authorized visitors to the <br />EOC sign in and are issued a visitor badge. If necessary, Emergency Management provides <br />an escort to the EOC for the visitors. <br />D. All entry into the EOC is restricted upon activation. All doors without electronic coded locks <br />are secured. Unauthorized visitors, such as media representatives, County workers not <br />assigned to the EOC, family members, etc. are not permitted access to the EOC area unless <br />approved by the Emergency Management Coordinator and are escorted to the EOC by <br />Emergency Management personnel or a designated escort. Visitors from media organizations <br />are escorted at all times. <br />E. State and federal Emergency Management personnel use "Visitor" badges for EOC access. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex A <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F -6 Page 217 <br />