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• Provide return/reentry upon emergency stabilization and/or shelter <br />demobilization. <br />11) Management, Request, and Acquisition of Shelter Resources <br />• Deploy resources based on need, type of shelter facility being activated, and <br />functional resources present at the shelter. <br />• Use best practices resource checklists that were developed in shelter pre- <br />planning efforts. <br />• Monitor equipment usage; restock as needed. <br />• Identify resource shortfalls and gaps. <br />• Notify Cabarrus County Emergency Management. <br />• Request mutual aid support through established mutual aid partners and/or <br />the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management (NCDEM). <br />7. Demobilization and Restoration of Local Shelter <br />a. Once an emergency has stabilized and shelter operations are no longer necessary, the <br />shelter facility is deactivated and staff is demobilized. <br />b. The Shelter Coordination Team, in conjunction with other local officials and the <br />Shelter Manager, meet prior to the de- escalation of the emergency to determine the <br />appropriate trigger point in which to initiate formal demobilization of the shelter. <br />c. Once the need to demobilize the shelter has been established, the Shelter Manager <br />announces the plan to demobilize to all staff. <br />d. Staff then informs shelter residents still present at the shelter of the plan to <br />deactivate, which includes the time when deactivation will begin/conclude and <br />continuation of certain services. <br />e. When demobilization commences, staff begin to restore the shelter facility to normal <br />operations by breaking down functional service areas and cleaning the facility. <br />8. County Shelter Functional Needs Support Services Considerations <br />Cabarrus County has incorporated recent functional needs support services guidance into <br />their mass care and shelter planning efforts. To comply with this guidance, the County <br />will shelter those with functional needs together with the general population, with no <br />separation. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex L — Shelter and Mass Care <br />F -6 <br />Attachment number 12 <br />Page 275 <br />