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Hospice Care — End -of -life care provided by health professionals and volunteers. Medical, <br />psychological, and spiritual support is often provided. <br />Incident Command System (ICS) — An incident management tool for the command, control, and <br />coordination of emergency response. ICS is widely used within agencies responsible for providing <br />for public safety and public health during emergencies. <br />Local Sheltering — A method of sheltering that entails activating sheltering facilities within the <br />community during emergencies. <br />Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) — A community -based volunteer group generally comprising <br />medical and public health practitioners (for example, public health officials, doctors, nurses, <br />interpreters). MRC volunteers can help support medical functions or general shelter operations <br />during shelter activations. <br />Medical Surge — The ability to provide adequate medical evaluation and care during incidents that <br />exceed the limits of the normal medical infrastructure of an affected community. <br />Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) — A document that describes two -sided or multiple -sided <br />agreement(s) between parties. <br />Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) — A nonprofit or voluntary group that is organized on a <br />local, national, or international level driven by people with common interests. In relation to <br />sheltering, NGOs assist by providing service and humanitarian functions in mass care missions. <br />Operational Guidance — Strategies based on analysis of identified planning assumptions. <br />Operational guidance is the guidelines based on best practices for emergency managers to keep in <br />mind when devising operational plans and objectives. <br />Palliative Care — A specialized form of care focused on the pain, symptoms, and stress of serious <br />illness. Relieving and preventing the suffering of patients is the focus. <br />Planning Assumption — An influencing statement related to a particular issue that will help drive <br />operational decision making in order to provide a set of guidance to alleviate the issue. <br />Project Planning Team (PPT) — The PPT provides oversight and guidance of the overall project in <br />the context of the Cabarrus County mass care and sheltering planning project. Team members are <br />representatives from a variety of Cabarrus County departments and agencies. <br />Portable Vehicle Message Signs — A gas, oil, or solar powered message tool that is generally used <br />by transportation agencies to notify drivers of transportation - specific information (for example, road <br />closures, construction). These signs can be used during emergencies to display information to the <br />public (for example, shelter location and hours, directional signage). <br />Quarantine — A method of isolation, typically to contain the spread of something considered <br />dangerous (often a disease or infection). <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex L — Shelter and Mass Care <br />F -6 <br />Attachmens umber 12 <br />Page 314 <br />