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a. Determine the procedures and resources Cabarrus County (County) needs for <br />response and recovery operations. <br />b. Establish the priorities for types of resources. <br />c. Guide the allocation of local government resources. <br />d. Provide an estimate of what outside assistance is necessary to restore the impacted <br />area to pre- disaster condition. <br />B. Assumptions <br />1. The effects of the emergency situation may continue to pose a threat of damage to public <br />and private property. <br />2. Prompt implementation of damage assessment procedures expedites relief and assistance <br />for those people adversely affected by the emergency. <br />3. Information and data gathered from the PDA and other damage assessment activities are <br />used in determining the extent of state and federal government assistance, including the <br />likelihood of a Presidential Declaration. <br />III.CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS <br />A. General <br />1. Cabarrus County and local municipal governments conduct damage assessment <br />operations. <br />B. Damage Assessment <br />1. The Emergency Management Coordinator coordinates initial response from the County <br />Emergency Operations Center (EOC). <br />2. Local municipalities operate from the city /town EOC(s). <br />3. The Coordination Group of the EOC manages damage assessment within the County. <br />4. The municipalities coordinate their damage assessment with the County EOC and submit <br />all damage reports to the EOC. All requests for assistance with damage assessment go the <br />County EOC for action. <br />5. The Cabarrus County Planning and Development and the Tax Assessor's Office form <br />damage assessment teams to examine and report on the extent of damage throughout the <br />County. <br />6. The Lead Building Inspector becomes the County Damage Assessment Officer (DAO). <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex M — Damage Assessment <br />F -6 <br />Attachment number 13 <br />Page 318 <br />