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A. Examination <br />Each animal is examined by a Veterinarian or assistant under the direction of a Veterinarian <br />and assessed. Any minor ailments or conditions are treated as resources are available. <br />B. Injured/El Animals <br />1. Owned animals suffering from significant injury or illness are referred to or transported <br />to a participating veterinary hospital. The owners are expected to follow up on their pet <br />and contact the veterinary facility within three days. The owners are also expected to be <br />financially responsible for the veterinary care of their pet. <br />2. Stray animals suffering from moderate injury or illness are transported to a participating <br />veterinary hospital for reasonable first aid treatment and pain control until their condition <br />allows for their return to the temporary shelter. <br />3. Stray animals suffering from severe injury or illness may be euthanized at the discretion <br />of the attending Veterinarian or Animal Control Officer. <br />C. Medical Care <br />After the initial assessment, any animal requiring continued treatment is given a medical care <br />form detailing the treatment and its frequency. This card accompanies the animal to the <br />housing area and is attached to its run/cage. <br />V. HOUSING AREA <br />A. Identification <br />As an animal is moved to the housing area, cage cards, medical cards, and other <br />identification and exercise forms, relevant to that animal are attached to the kennel. These <br />papers move with the animal any time its housing is changed/moved. <br />B. Sanitation <br />Each kennel is sanitized before another animal is allowed to be housed there. Any spills or <br />excrement within the kennel that occur while the animal is housed are removed as promptly <br />as possible. <br />C. Arrangement of Housing <br />1. If at all possible, cats and dogs are housed separately or at least as far apart as practical. <br />Cats are left in their crates most of the time with the occasional time spent in a larger <br />exercise area if available. <br />2. Young puppies are housed apart from the general dog population if possible. Their <br />exercise area will be separate from that of the general population in an attempt to prevent <br />the spread of viral diseases. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex O — Animal Control and Protection 13 <br />Attachment number 15 <br />F -6 Page 337 <br />