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Resources permitting, dogs are exercised 2 -3 times daily, either secured on leashes or <br />loose in a well- confined area. To avoid injuries from fights, dogs should not be left to <br />play with other dogs. <br />4. If room is available, dogs or cats suspected of harboring potentially contagious diseases <br />are housed separately in an isolation area. <br />D. Documentation <br />All forms (intake forms, identification pictures, medical exam forms, medical care forms, <br />feed forms, exercise forms) are filled out and initialed by CART volunteers who perform the <br />services. These records are maintained for a reasonable amount of time after the disaster. <br />E. Staff <br />The staff will consist of Cabarrus County CART members and recruited volunteers. <br />Volunteers are identified by badges, and receive orientation and training as to their duties and <br />responsibilities. <br />F. Supplies /Services <br />Animal food companies, medical suppliers, water suppliers, and cleaning product suppliers <br />are contacted by the Cabarrus County EOC (or designee) and requested to begin the shipment <br />of supplies to an established delivery point. The delivery point will serve as a storage center <br />and a distribution center for the various shelters and veterinary hospitals. Purchases are <br />coordinated through the ICS system. If the EOC is functioning, then purchases are made <br />through the logistics section. Durable supplies absolutely essential to the start up of the <br />temporary shelter are acquired ahead of time as finances allow for and stored in a location <br />easily accessible to the CART staff. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex O — Animal Control and Protection 14 <br />Attachment number 15 <br />F -6 Page 338 <br />